
Youtube Schande?😅
Sieht ziemlich interessant aus. Frage mich wie wohl die Umsetzung aussehen wird.

Bin auch schon echt gespannt - Sieht aber vielversprechend aus, findest du nicht ;)?

und das ist wirklich kein April Scherz?

Keine Ahnung - sieht mir fast ein bisschen zu professionell dafür aus. Ich schätze mal wir werden es abwarten müssen, ob von denen noch was kommt...

Too bad i don't speak Russian 😴

I think this is an awesome project! @lipraproductions obviously has done their homework, I already stumbled over their poster on my way home yesterday and heard of advertising in our local subway. This is going to be big!


In which city is it located? :)

greetings from Vienna!

You gotta be kidding me... What can this movie possibly show people?

Hi Guys! Thanks for sharing!!

We shared all our teaser posters here:

BTW: We use the #steemmovie Hashtag to promote the Trailer.

Thanks for the great work and effort taken to support steemit as a revolutionary social platform. Am following @lipraproductions for all the new and latest innovations. #steemmovie

first time I heard of this project. Excited for it to show up aside from Vicetoken LoL. Movie in a blockchain. hopefully Vicetoken doesnt only focus on porn thing

Yes! One of the cameramen is an acquaintance of mine and I was already allowed to learn about it 8 weeks ago, was unfortunately not allowed to say anything. This is gonna be a really good and big thing. A big advantage for steemit.

wow nice, can you give any more infos about the movie?

Just wait for the next update from @lipraproduction and keep your eyes open on the road! I have every confidence in these guys.

This will play big role in making people aware about this amazing opportunity of joining the platform. #steemmovie

Auf Imgur dürfte es ein paar mehr plakate geben:

On Reddit you can find a torrent, but I don't link it here.

That's not fair man! Can you send it to me via Discord?

Is your name on Discord also @theaustrianguy?

yes, ID #0005

May I have one as well? nameless-berk#0183
Oh, fucking April jokes again... Nevermind

Hast du die Graffity auch gesehen? Die ziehn ja echt alle Maßnahmen um ihren Film zu bewerben! Wird sicher gut!


Beim schwedenplatz hab ich eins gesehn, ich schätz mal dass es davon nochmehr gibt in den Städten..

seen on the highest peak of austria today. it goes big... woooooow!!

Thank you for sharing - I hope you had a nice day at the top ;)