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RE: Dev Portal Update: Tutorials, Recipes, and Tweaks, Oh My!

in #devportal6 years ago (edited)

Great work on tutorials. Could this mean PRs to the dev portal are being accepted now?

Developer's reference is really good as well. I hadn't realized until now how often I'm actually digging through the source code as a reference instead of referring to the documentation.

I think one tutorial that is really missing here is a high-level for creating your own language binding for json-rpc. I'm sure there are some devs out there that would love to traverse transactions with R.


Like creating an ideal Steem client specification?

Yeah. I think that nails it. If we had something like an openapi specification or Swagger spec

  1. the reference guide could be generated
  2. We can verify/test code and check for breaking changes
  3. Generate and verify clients from the api specification
  4. Build/contribute additional tooling around the specification

Those would be great.

Incidentally, we actually have tests for verifying stuff like the curl examples in the API Definitions. If you want to try the tests yourself, they're right over here:

And we also generate/verify the API Spec here:

When I said generated, I meant from the actual source code. I'm basically suggesting a literate programming approach with specification as code.

Like if @inertia made changes to the json-rpc, then specification changes would be accepted in the same PR. In the next CI build, documentation could be generated, but that's not what's important. What's important is that now the specification itself is deployed with the software and can be used to generate/verify a client.

From a single change, you have now affected several facets.