Why this movement? Dhaka University, Bangladesh

in #dhaka7 years ago


Violent incidents have taken place in Dhaka University demanding reform of the government job quota in Bangladesh. The movement is spreading in the higher education institutions of the country. Due to the highway blockade.

This movement of quota reform has been going on for a long time. Initially it was the movement of the quota cancellation of freedom fighters. Later, it turned out to be a quota cancellation movement overall. And now it has taken the form of a quota reform movement. Shahid Niloy, a student of the history department of Dhaka University, said, "There are 36 percent quota for just 2.6 percent of the country's population. District quota and women quota total quota 56 percent. But these quota is not more than 10 percent. So, we demand that the quota be reformed with the highest 10 percent quotas. "

He said, "We are protesting about five demands. Apart from the quota reforms, there is no recruitment in the government quota for special recruitment, equalization of the age of entry into the service, and if the quota is not filled, merit is recruited. "

In his words, "The poor people are unemployed because of the quota, so there is a lack of skilled and capable people in the administration."

Responding to another question, he said, "The government has recently talked about the fulfillment of the empty quota merit, but there is no doubt that Shubhankar is stuck in the notification. The empty quota will be filled with the first quota. Even if it is empty then on merit basis.

On behalf of the children of freedom fighters, the Chairman of the Freedom Fighters' Committee Central Committee President Mehedi Hasan said, "Those who are protesting against anti-quarrel, their intention is different. They are insulting the freedom fighters. Talking about the war of liberation. The student camp is using this simple student banner. With this, they are also using some BCL leaders and workers. "

He said, "In 1972 Bangabandhu started the freedom fighters quota in the job. But after the assassination of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on August 15, 75, Ziaur Rahman canceled the freedom fighter quota in 1976. When Sheikh Hasina came to power, she started quota again for the children of freedom fighters. Our 20-year quota has been deprived. Fulfilling the quota at this time does not take any further quota.

Government quota quota

In Bangladesh, the quota was introduced for the benefit of backward classes in the country, after the independence. But the total quota was more than 55 percent. In the possession of more than half of the government jobs, 45 percent of the mercury is less than half

In the government service, freedom fighters 30, district 10, women 10 and tribal quota 5 percent. In this 55 percent quota, if the eligible candidate is not found, there is a provision for appointment of one percent post for disability. However, according to the population of the district, the district quota quota was re-determined for direct recruitment in government, autonomous, semi-autonomous, different corporations and offices. Last date was fixed on December 20, 2009 on the district quota.

But in the face of the quota reform movement, the government will fulfill the empty quota on merit basis on April 5 through a notification. But it is not directly. The empty quota will first be filled with another quota person. If empty then it will be filled with the general intellectual quota.

Professor Saifuddin Ahmed of Dhaka University's Peace and Conflict Division said, "The quota now in the government service of Bangladesh is contrary to Article 28 of the constitution. Because in this paragraph it has been said that only women and children who are disadvantaged, will be given benefits.

But the quota given here is all of the backward classes? Are the people of the disadvantaged community actually? And more than 50 percent of civil servants will come from quota, that is against the principles of justice. Because the quota saved can not be higher than merit. In Bangladesh's constitution, but the principle of equality of government jobs has been mentioned. "

He said, "A group is being deprived of this quota. So, 'Conflict' will come. That's why the government should solve it quickly. "

In response to another question, he said, "This quota system is creating inefficiency in the civil service."

Former Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University AAMS Arefin Siddique said, "Those who will do the movement for the quota cancellation or reform, they can do it. This is their democratic right. They will sit with the government on their demand. The government may consider their demands. But there is no relation with the university. Students can make peaceful movements. But the attack on VC's residence is not acceptable at all. Even when I was a Vice-Chancellor, I was attacked in the name of anti-quota movement in my residence. It needs to be closed. Junk needs to be identified in the violence."


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