Digital Currency Problem to Buy or Sell

in #digitalcurrency3 years ago (edited)

There are many ways to explore a role. But, why is the value of crypto rising; Why it lands is a mystery that no one understands. So, investing in it is like gambling. Sometimes bad things come first.

It should not be forgotten that the number of people who commit suicide by investing in Digital Currency unknowingly and globally is increasing globally.

The transactions are faceless no one knows who buys this, private or corporate. So, it can even fall into the hands of social enemies or extremists. The result will be the destruction of the nations of the world.

It is not a rare substance like gold. From a computer and internet facility, anyone who knows the open source coding system of the currency can make these.
The vast majority of small investors pay taxes by calculating the profits and losses that can occur in stock trading.

Digital Currency accounts are even more difficult.
