Five points buletinsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #diogo-jesus7 years ago

In a shameless rip off from Tim Ferris, I will now do things In a 5 points bulletin style posts with no rigid format… except for five points.

They will be weekly posts based on what I have been thinking in a weekly basis.

Having a girlfriend in a fuck world.

I have been challenged by this subject before, and wonder if it’s the same for you. Since it’s great having someone you love by your side, but having the hardship of being monogamous relationship. When swing isn’t an option (for one or both partners) you shouldn’t resort to cheating, but I think so many mistakes have been made for the sake of monogamy, who can say what’s wright?

Invest in bit coin still…

Bit coin never left its seat and the top of the crypto mountain but it seems before it goes up again, it must go down first. And this time wasn’t the exception to the rule. At this time current bit coin value is at US$ 9853. In the back of our mind we all want that Bitcoin cash but is it going to be worth it? Is it going to surpass bit coin percentually?

Still developing 3D creations and awesome pics here are a few examples.

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Wondering about creating my own story for later animation

It would certainly be a huge project and one I could not create on my own but I be very rewarding to be a relevant animator and story teller at the same time. There is very little in my mind right now, but I wish the story to be a tragedy/comedy style, one in which the user questions he views/actions on the world. Also because I would be animating it the story would have to easy to conceive with a simply style.

Lastly watch "The Square" I heard it's great.

Follow @diogo.jesus