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RE: The Doctor just said you're dying in one year | How will you spend it?

in #discussion5 years ago

It's funny, I've been on and off smoking for so long it didn't even crossed my mind to stop smoking when I thought what would I do if I had one year to live. But to be honest, I think I would still smoke, maybe even include some weed now and then, after all it's not like I'm getting out of this alive... in fact none of us is, and now that the long term diseases are off the list since I'm dying soon well, might as well smoke more xD but that decision is amazing from you, live your last year without addictions.

Do you have a bucket list? Or did this post just inspired you to make one?

That mindset of now or never has actually achieved a lot in terms of people fulfilling their dreams you know? Thinking that if they don't try now, they will lose their chance.

That's definitely a great idea, I think I might as well write a post about this topic myself! :)

Good luck on that topic about your kids and hopefully it will get solved soon.


I get that, because I also know the feeling of having a drink and a smoke in company. It felt normal to sit on a terrace and do that. But the past (at least for a) year I only felt bummed that I needed it. Every time I smoked I had this horrible taste in my mouth, I felt shitty whenever I forgot to buy new ones and always thought about having enough cigarettes whenever going somewhere, because god forbid I'd run out. No more of that :)
So for me it would not add any value at this point, I mean I can handle a smoker, but I do think they smell like ashtrays quite often (and yes I was one of "they" lol)

I never liked smoking weed, but I discovered edibles last winter when someone gave me 2 they had left. I was in heaven, my pain completely vanished and I felt so happy. I can imagine creating my own candy shop of these whenever I had one year to live! Feeling happy and no pain is of course something appealing ...

I've postponed so many things, for several reasons, often out of my own control. But I decided to start just doing these things, or at least start preparation of making them happen next year. Not all of them but a few at least. And so I will. Even though I don't plan on dying at the end of 2020 lol.

About the bucket list, I've started writing one several times but never finished it, it's more like 10 different ones with all a few things on it. But I will write about this in the next days because as you can see I have plenty to chat about hehe.

Thank you for that <3