RE: GMO corn that enables no-till planting.
Thank goodness the Internet and Google were invented. They allow us to prove or disprove and idea or opinion we may have.
The effects of cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias can easily be seen in discussions like this one.
Who really knows what truth is anymore?
Environmental degradation, species extinction, and overpopulation are all driven by the need (to increase profits) to increase cheap food supplies.
We live in a world where people still starve to death, while we waste almost half our food and feed all that corn to animals (value add!... but basically turning calories into waste heat).
Throughout history civilizations and empires have failed after depleting and destroying soil and natural resources. Look it up.
Read this...
I’ll stop now.
there is abundant food available to feed everyone alive right now.
anyone who goes hungry does so because their government wants them to do so.
how do you know that the population is increasing to a dangerous degree?
So if there is abundant food available right now, why the need to increase cheap food supplies?
Who benefits?
I don’t know how much population is too much. What I know is Earth’s resources are finite and can’t support unlimited population growth.
Do we take steps to slow further growth now, or do we continue until the bodies start to pile up?
So if there is abundant food available right now, why the need to increase cheap food supplies?
wrong word...not increase so much as maintain.
Earth’s resources are finite and can’t support unlimited population growth
Not a problem then...all first world nations (the one's who have actual censuses) are experiencing popultion decline. The others are estimates...they benefit if they estimate HIGH. How do you think they'd estimate?.
Earth’s resources are finite and can’t support unlimited population growth.

already happened..the peak growth rate was in 1962
The chart shows a declining growth rate. The net population is still increasing. If food supplies are only needed to be maintained at current levels, net population growth would stop or decline.
I want to propose an experiment you can do and see the results with your own eyes.
Go down to the pet store and get a couple pairs of mice. Yes I know mice aren’t people. This is just a simple experiment.
Get them a nice big cage. This is their Earth.
You will be the natural environment that provides services to the mice, you will feed them. You will feed them an unlimited amount of food. Whatever they want.
The population grows. Keep feeding them as much as they can eat.
More population growth. That cage is getting crowded. More disease, more stress, more violence... your overcrowded mouse world isn’t doing so well.
One day you run out of mouse food, for whatever reason. Your environmental services no longer provide what’s necessary for life to continue as it has in the past.
What happens?
Population in mouse world crashes. Maybe an extinction event.
We see that scenario played out in the natural world constantly. Animal populations increase and decrease according to food supplies. A dynamic equilibrium, a natural balance exists.
This same Law of Nature probably applies to humans too. We can use our smarts and creativity to recognize this Law or throw the cosmic dice and ignore it. It’s our free will choice.
Your chart could be a demonstration of this Natural Law. Our clock is ticking.
it's called Rat Utopia.
Been done...
NOT happening to I said earlier. All first world nations (that would be the US, Europe, Austraila, japan and others) are experiencing a population DECLINE. The only reason the population of the US increased was due to immigration.
In fact the only place where the population is (supposedly ) growing is Africa,(perhaps china and India) and that's based on Estimation...not head count.
Like I's to the advantage of those ruling classes to estimate HIGH. They get more 'foreign aid that way. Even if the population was in decline they'd say otherwise.