or as I like to call them
"FunnyBook and the Enemedia"
Trump is a media master. Always has been. The issue is the deep state wants to use DARPA against the US but cannot legally. Instead, they've figured out how to twist the arm of FB & Twitter into doing their bidding of steering public opinion.
Republicans won’t do anything to stop it.
Seems every kind of company is regulated except Social Media outlets, and as soon as you try to solve the issue, leftist, and libertarians flood comments sections claiming that only the US government can impede constitutional rights.
The simple fact is that companies are forced to do all sorts of things. Only when it benefits the left though. That’s why Christians are forced to bake cakes for homosexual deviants.
It doesn’t really matter anyways because demographic shifts are going to make it where no Republican running for President will ever win again. After Trump we will have commie presidents until America disintegrates.
MSM and Facebook have not realized the American public is starting to wake up. Midterms will probably go like presidential election and a lot of head scratching and disbelief by MSM.
I certainly know how I'm gonna vote.
Most of these platforms definitely push an agenda but I would argue that we (well not you or I but many people) allow the agenda to pushed. Propaganda and misinformation only works if the people believe it and, sadly, the masses are easily led. If they see that "everybody" is talking about a thing then they believe that the thing is important and if a thing is hidden then they believe that thing doesn't exist.
The sad truth, though, is that most people prefer the sweet falsehoods to the better truth and they lap up the lies like its life giving manna from their "loving leaders". This, however, is another topic for another time, I think.
Great post and very informative video. Upvoted. Thank you @everittdmickey.
The opening sequence alone was worth watching. Still wincing...
Thx Everitt! Great reporting. Resteemed!!
MSmockingbirdM and F-c-book would never do that...
I mean, they would never not do that.
It is what they were built for.
It is why they got all that black budget money.
Collecting data has always been gravy on top.
Boogle, MSM, F-c-book, themTube, they were all built, and run at a loss to control the narrative.
When huge international American internet and media corporations try to rig elections that is just fine as long as there are no Russian facebook ads involved.