Man-made famines are common under socialism – some wit once remarked that

in #discussion6 years ago

“Soviet agriculture has just suffered its 23rd consecutive year of unseasonal weather”.
  • All we hear from the climate industry and the dark green media (socialists) are the claimed dangers of global warming. However it is global cooling that poses a dire threat to world food supplies

Either intentionally or due to stupidity..the socialists are attempting to kill us all.


Hello everttdmickey. It is the current case of Venezuela. They have destroyed the production apparatus, both agricultural and industrial, creating scarcity and famine. As a result, people emigrate to other countries, to subsist and help their families by sending money to buy what little there is at very high prices. And the worst is that they shirk their responsibility blaming the climate, the economic war, external blockades. Its objective is to make citizens depend on the gifts they give to conserve power. Sad but true. regards

Kinda like how Bernie Sanders and the rest of the modern day democrats/progressives/communists want to force everyone to be dependent on the government. Once you are properly enslaved, what the government giveth, the government can taketh away.

Oh and for any one that is still a liberal that reads this. Governments and socialism are the number one cause of human death. Not guns.

I definitely go for the stupidity gotta been brain dead to be a socialist..

Socialist are very smart, just ask one. They completely lack wisdom!

Socialist are very smart, just ask one.

I come out in rash if I get too close ....

When people hear Bernie Sanders yap about how great socialism and communism are they should be shown images from modern day Venezuala so they can see socialism at work.

When they get absolute power socialist kill people. Consider Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge

Socialists love to kill people look at Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Khmer Rouge.

Well, around here in Venezuela, we can certify it ... Socialism and its "heroic" rulers are the perfect team to plague the world of hunger and misery ...Around here, the townspeople eat very badly and almost everyone has lost weight because of hunger!
And for everything there is a stupid explanation, that only the socialist zombies believe it.

Only in Socialism.

Through the course of history, socialist movements have supported great tragedy. I can't think of great socialist successes, though. What am I missing that socialist movements still have any support?

socialism is a mental disease.
like smallpox is a physical disease.
support is not required...only infection.

global warming would make Russia more temperate, almost 10% of the earth is Siberia and too cold for most people to live.