Pretty Much

in #discussion7 years ago

He needs to go
He should resign

For the good of the country. He has been a YUGE dissapointment. With "friends" like him Trump has no need for any enemies. Jeff Sessions has been pretty much a disaster. Because of him Alabama has a dhmikrat for a senator. To be fair it wasn't ENTIRELY his fault. The turtle had a LOT to do with it.

but I digress.
Jeff Sessions is NOT being helpful. IMPORTANT things are being discussed...and he is fixated on....a weed.

Say what you want about the Dhmikrats...(mostly bad). One GOOD thing about that they are LOYAL to their own kind.

Jeff Sessions is not.
He should go.


he is avoiding real crime as much as he can . coward

perhaps helping the criminals?

avoiding prosecution / helping them . same thing . All I can remember about him is he was "really tough" on illegal immigration and now weed ...

never trust a man with shifty eyes..
my grandfather once said..

I don`t know what shifty eyes are but grandfathers are smart people

shifty eyes are 'won't look you directly in the eye'...avoid eye contact...

OLD MEN back in the day ...had to be pretty smart in order to live that long.

the stupid died young.

It wasn't easy to be a cowboy in the west back then (which he was) Everything was out to get was a tough life...and quite a few did NOT survive.

thanks for explaining , when did your family move to America ? where are you from originally ?

which part of my family?
some of them have always been here..
for hundreds of thousands of years for all I know.
a geneology search (my brother's hobby) traced the patriarchal linage back to the fifteen hundreds...about then it get's a little unclear.

OK, I fully agree with you, fixating on a weed isn't too smart, and yes he has shifty eyes.

For months I defended from "oh you'll see he's working quietly" You just wait..time's up! . From his recusal , to the special consul, appearances on the hill, and from the outside looking Rosenstein is running the Justice Dept (and that's not good), Sessions did the honorable thing by recusing himself, but the bumbling he did was having Rosenstein replace him.his seat race and now this fixation with "weed" while the Nation's crapper's full of bigger fish to fry and prosecute - he's mucking around with "weed."

All Jeff Sessions had to do was do his job, his President, the people of this nation and. upholding the Constitution of the United States - he has failed. Sessions is a bad attorney general - he has gotta go!

I agree with all of this. He should have never been appointed.