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RE: Elon Musk Proposes Semi-Ballistic Global Transport

in #discussion7 years ago

ah...well thanx.
so what do you think of the concept?
note: efficiency is irrelevant...the supply (of sunlight) is endless. It can thus be used to break water down into it's component parts, then liquify them for use as rocket fuel....on site...just yards from the 'end user'.....

Zero environmental impact.


I think it's an excellent example of the kinds of cross pollination Musk well has exemplified in his commercial endeavors. Exactly the kinds of development we can unabashedly support in the process of transforming industry from the worst killer of life on Earth to the best augmentation of robust, fecund ecosystems.

tl;dr I like it. The production of water vapor through burning H2 as fuel can even be considered as a way to counter global warming to pander to climate alarmists!

Never fear...I'm sure that the climate alarmists will find something to whine about.

TPTB will do most anything to get a global tax authority, like a carbon tax.

HydrOx rockets don't produce any carbon.
just water vapor

They'll love it! It's as green as grass.