Why you Will Kill Yourself

in #discussion6 years ago

and Abandon your Body to Live Forever

Seems kind of religious doesn't it? Don't all the worlds religions promise essentially that? Pie in the sky bye and by but right now boy hoe that cotton?

It's time for the pie...or it will be real soon.

Interesting article I think.

Read it and let's talk about it..


This article made the movie lawnmower man pop in my mind. 🤦🏻‍♂️👀😂

A couple things come to mind right off the bat. The first, that has already been mentioned, is that I'm not even remotely interested in trusting the cloud so absolutely.

I just posted about roll your own VPN's, and I'm far more likely to be willing to temporarily project enough awareness to undertake certain actions requiring remote drones with my own personal hardware as an entry point.

Also, given nascent technology, we aren't likely to need headsets or visors for very long. EMF is shown to impact neurons, and fully characterizing means of 'wireless' BCI is prolly just a matter of time and engineering.

This would enable all the senses to be emulated, spoofed, augmented, and etc., and we wouldn't look so goofy while we were doing it.

Also, the author's trust in technology is charming, but unwarranted IMHO. I am confident in hardware failures persisting for the foreseeable future, and I've got enough HD's and phones laying around with broken screens and bad sectors that I intend to salvage the data from (someday... soon...) to make the point that I really am not gonna just abandon my meatsack anytime soon.

Also, I have plans for meatsacks. I don't think we need to abandon them to become immortal, and in the near term. I reckon I can see 3D printers making that happen very soon, by using them to print us up some fresh parts as we need them--no doctors, pharmaceutical, or insurance companies required.

We need to expand on the tech that makes organoids a thing, and robotic surgery is being enabled as we speak.

'Siri, pop me in a fresh liver. I hate this hangover!'

Consider that we're already printing and growing human ears etc., on mice. Computer assisted/robotic surgery is also already a thing, as are organoids. It's no great leap to combine them and make an app for it.

This is coming. Uploading to the cloud and arkanciding your meatsack? Well, there's plenty of folks I can be willing to allow to do that. I ain't one of 'em. Given the kinds of folks that so easily trust the enemedia and faithfully carry out their pogroms and vote for their politicians, I can actually see that those folks being early adopters of the author's plan would solve our political woes--especially if we also add the psychopaths and megalomaniacs using them as weapons against us to the plan a bit more 'persuasively'.

EMP can be countered.
forex...chipmunks are pretty much immune to imp.
as are swarms of bees.

Upload my brain to the cloud? Never ever. I want my own brain on my own server ;)

you don't want widely distributed decentralized redundancy?

I replicate myself in p2p networks if I want :)

Kill myself and live forever in a digitized reality...nahhhh. Living forever is overrated. Some immortality obsessed richoice folks will definitely be up for it so it's a possibility for the future

shrug if you don't want to live (like a god) no one is forcing you too.
euthanasia is even legal is some places..

Lol.. I haven't heard your thoughts

well of COURSE i would.
BE a god?
a legend in your own mind?
who would NOT want too?


I'm fine with just being me, particularly if I could return to my impressively beautiful youth.

Well when you put it that way, am up for it...minus the living forever 😂

after ten or twenty thousand years..get back with me on that.


How do you know that we are not living in a digitized reality right now?
Have you ever heard of quantum physics?

How could you tell if we are or are not?
How can you tell that life as you know it is nothing more than a lucid dream.
(the hindu's think so...over a billion of them)
How can you tell if you are not living in a video game.

If we believe that all we are is data stored in the brain, then why not? Upload and upgrade. Hope the network never goes down. Hope hackers never compromise. Hope data is never lost. Hope you do not have a soul. Technology will never offer eternal life. @ironshield

suppose the soul is a resonate frequency (standing wave) on the quantum foam?

Quantum foam, lol. @ironshield