With the Kavanaugh Saga over,

CNN Returns to Talking About Trump’s Penis
Some people never learn.
CNN..the most disgusting Name in the news
It has been decades since Communist News Network reported anything not fed directly to them from the DNC (another Communist institution)!
They are Just jealous....
Will be interested to see if I'm right about this upcoming election, and the Dems have over-played their hand! I just hope they keep allowing the crazies to take over their party. It would be nice to have the real idealogical soul of America to be determined by Repubs, and Libertarians!
I remember in 2012 saying we need a Reagan to fix this country Obama/Soetoro/Sobarkah destroyed. Prayers were answered in 2016!
Yes, I like Trump! He is making great strides! Like Reagan before him, there ARE things I would like to see him do better, a greater focus on individual liberty, for instance. However, overall he is, with God's help, moving mountains in the right direction! It reminds me of the good Kings, and bad Kings of Israel in the Old Testament. I sincerely pray for the man!
I agree, but compared to the previous 8 years this is like winning the lotto.
Boy is that the truth!!!
Simple case of penis envy.
Ha ha!
This was the second time CNN ran a segment on this. Just adolescent.
....wait for it...........Niki Haley stepping down will be a sure sign of misogyny from Trump.
(did he just sexually harass her?...Or was it rape?.... coming soon !)