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RE: The Doctor just said you're dying in one year | How will you spend it?

in #discussion5 years ago

Interesting question.

I doubt I'd change much from a relationship or people-interaction perspective. I'd stop working at my job and travel a lot more though, to see my family and gain some more experiences. I'd also wrap up my affairs sell guns and items that my wife might struggle to deal with herself when I'm gone. I wouldn't make it a sad year though, it would be the crowning glory of my life and a year those left behind would remember.

My ethos is design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default so I work hard at living the best life I can now rather than wait for some event to prompt me to do so.

Living like you're dying is a good policy to have I think, for we never know when we might die. Today, tomorrow, in a year...


You have similar point of my view for this interesting question - not changing much at all!
Spending time with family, don't waste time in job and make a holidays for better experience from our life is a great choice and I think many people should think about this, until they leave this world!
That's true that we never known that death will come to your doors, but getting that info will help us prepare for best days of our life even is those days will be not longer than one year!
Thanks for answer and I hope so that you will enjoy your life!

That's true that we never known that death will come to your doors, but getting that info will help us prepare for best days of our life even is those days will be not longer than one year!

But here's the thing...You are dying mate...Life doesn't go forever. What other motivation could a person need to have the best days of one's life, now. That's sort of the point in my previous comment. Many wait until they have some massive event to provide the impetus to live their best life...I don't get it. You, and everyone you know, will die, it's unavoidable...Best to simply understand it, then get on with living the best version of life now, each minuted, hour and day.

We're all different though I guess and this is just my opinion.

We are born to live and supposed to die, but only we decide how we should spent the time left. Many people forgot about that fact that we in the unknown future will die.
That's definetely true:

Many wait until they have some massive event to provide the impetus to live their best life...I don't get it. You, and everyone you know, will die, it's unavoidable

So then don't wait for any impuls, drawn from life and try to do things for which you don't had too much time.

So then don't wait for any impuls, drawn from life and try to do things for which you don't had too much time.

Yes, I think that was my point, but thanks for saying it in your own words.

Today, a year or ten, it is all the same for me. Live the best I can with what I have absilsvle and work toward increasing opportunity in case I live longer and for those who will.

Yep, that's the mentality to have.

I’ve seen it to many times someone past away and didn’t have their affairs in order so that is one of the first things I’d work on doing as well. Not to mention just taking stock in general of what I had and how much I can get for it. Bucket list items tend to cost a fair amount.

I'd change a bit if I know I was dying sooner than later. Don't have worry about saving for a future that you won't be around for.

Agreed. For me as a gun owner, I wouldn't want to leave my wife (a non-gun-licensed person) with that burden. Also I'd want her future life to be as stress free as possible so I'd make sure all my affairs were in order. As far as money, she gets all my superannuation etc. anyway but as far as other things...I'd want it sorted for her.

We both have legal wills already which is where it all starts.

Don't mean to pry (too much) but I see that this is the second time you mention guns and refer to yourself as a gun owner. What do you need them for and why is this an integral part of your life/personality?

I am a sporting shooter and cull feral animals on a farm so guns are required.

Ah, I see... Stay safe 🙏🏼