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RE: DIY Wireless Portable Charger
I just found this post because it was curated on the Meadows & Makers podcast by @makinstuff and @jackdub. It is a little too late to give you an upvote, but I'm looking forward to seeing your new projects.
As I'm writing this I am looking at a battery pack that is in need of your wizardry.
The charger seems to think that it is fully charged, but it won't run the lawnmower at all. I also have a chainsaw that takes this type of battery. It won't run that either.
Thank you.
Do you have a multimeter? Im guessing thats a 11 cell battery so the voltage across the main terminal should be greater than 29.7 volts, if its less than that, you probably have a couple of dead cells. It wont charge if it reads a dead cell. Thatll be my first step in troubleshooting.
Its difficult to tell but the fuse looks ok.
Im interested to know what you find out.
I do have a multimeter. Maybe I can take some time to mess with it this evening. The larger battery pack is also having problems. I wonder if I could pull out the good cells from both packs and make one good one.