How many people voted in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dlike3 years ago


There has been a number going around some corners of the internet. 133,000,000. This number is incorrect. There are a few other incorrect numbers that are also too low going around. Around 133 million is the typical number I am hearing from people who are pushing election lies.

Millions more voted in the 2020 United State Presidential Election. I don't care what party or political affiliation you're part of, disinformation to attempt to destroy trust in the election system and to sway the election is anti-Democratic and something a real patriots do not stand for.

What's the actual number that is super easy to find when you get off of the Youtube and the ghosts of 8chan?

An estimated 159,738,377 votes were counted, 158,407,854 voted for president in 2020, 66.8% of Turnout Rate (the percentage of registered voters who voted).

Not 133,000,000.
21 states have same day voter registrations.
North Dakota does not have voter registration.

Felons were removed unless the state does not disenfranchise said felons or in DC's case, they do not house felons.

The disinformation about such a low number of registered voters being pushed is attempting to disenfranchise 10's of millions of American voters.

Even after audit after audit of various states, there has been no legitimate evidence of wide spread voter fraud. Each false claim has been easily debunked and lawsuits were dismissed and lost one after another, usually due to lack of evidence.

Even Trump appointed "Attorney General William Barr said that the Justice Department had found no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the election". Barr was one of Trump's right hand men.

Remember, many many many Republicans voted for someone other than Trump and will again. No, I am not a Democrat.

There is also the whole Electoral College thing many do not seem to understand either.

Remember, "many" doesn't mean "everyone". If you start complaining about it like someone said everyone or "your name here", you will probably be looked at like you're one of the people who don't understand.

Independent experts, governors and state election officials from both parties say there was no evidence of widespread fraud.

And now OAN and others are pretending a swing set installer and convicted drug dealer, felon, and has no college degree. Now, I usually have no hard feelings against ex drug dealers or current weed dealers, but I do when they deal to kids, sell fake shit, and or go around pretending to be an "expert mathematician" to push disinformation, divide the country by creating mistrust in the election system, scam willfully ignorant voters, and actions like that.

Voter fraud claims do not equal actual voter fraud.

Texas researchers looked into the numbers of their own voter fraud cases, and since 2004 : >According to records from the Texas Attorney General's Office, there were a total of 534 offenses charged to 154 people (some had multiple offenses) for either mail ballot fraud, assistance fraud or illegal voting since 2004. Among those 534 offenses, 310 were for mail-in ballot fraud, 159 were for assistance fraud and 189 were for illegal voting. A total of 272 charges of the 534 offenses resolved were from 2015 to March 2021.


0.0006% of the votes cast in that timeframe resulted in a prosecution case being resolved. When you include the 510 pending cases, that percentage rises to 0.001%.

Far from the wide spread fraud that is being claimed by those trying to over turn our election and disenfranchise millions of voters and their legitimate votes.

Biden won rather you voted for him or not. Welcome to democracy, sometimes you lose and people will fight against others trying to dismantle it.