[dlive] Daily- Telegram banned in Russia. Verge (XVG) Scam?

in #dlive7 years ago


Blockchain can solve the serious issues facing user privacy (Facebook) and secure private communications (Telegram)

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Facebook & Data Privacy - http://uk.businessinsider.com/facebook-drops-opposition-to-california-consumer-privacy-act-2018-4

Telegram banned - https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2018/04/privacy-is-not-for-sale-telegram-founder-says-after-being-banned-in-russia/

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There are plenty of options to bypass telegram restrictions. And after the contentious hard fork i think verge is on the crux of major bumps. Free market will choose the path . I am skeptic

Thanks for the info :)

Hi Mikel!

Once again thanks for your daily work and for profiting us the information we need.

Verge seems really funny to me but I personally am not sure about their partnership claims. I dent to stand away from Verge for sure.

great video no doubt you always come with a great video and with great information keep sharing i alwyas learn new thing from your video

WOW ! I wish you good luck at the Futurama Blockchain Innovators Summit

In a world of mass surveillance both by state and non state actors the encryption technology that powers block chain is the best defence that the ordinary guy on the street has to protect his/her personal data.

It's good new that Telegram has stood up to the Russian authorities and not given up access to our data. As you say I'm not sure i'd be too comfortable with the Russia government having access to my messages. If telegram cave in and start handing out access to encrypted messages then it would undermine the entire project and I think they'd see user numbers drop worldwide.

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you are really great friend.because always sharing good idea of your dlive video and blog.its very helpful is every steemians work doing matter.absolutely great work dear.. The price of cryptocurrency has increased frequently and it has been wonderful and i don't think it will go down, now it will increase.I had heard about this cryptocurrency show from one person which is helding in Dubai.i saw the news about Russia had ban the telegram as they made it privacy from them without telling. Cryptocurrency is going to future of business.because its my dream and future.i think that,may be i am really success in the future of steemit work.because,always helped doing to give best information and good advice..its helped me my steemit work doing perfectly..thanks to sharing for your valuable post.. dear..friend.. @boxmining

O no it's really bad news for Telegram banned in Russia. Thanks for share informative post.