
I had a look at his account, I do not see much going on, count me out on this one.

Are we looking at the same account??? :P

It's autoposting unoriginal content and presumably usign alts to boost it. That's pretty much the issue. I don't think anybody has an issue with autoposting intrinsically when it adds value to the blockchain. When it's clear that the autoposting is a mechanized money grab that adds no original value. That's where a few of us see a problem.

Guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Have a good one in any case.

I tell you what I see, a guy posting an image and crediting it, maybe he has two low value accounts upvoting it, I honestly care not, you have haejin on here with his proven alt account doing it 10 times a day, get back to me on this $2 account, when you sort out the latter, till then this place stinks of hypocrisy! peace and out.

Darren you have the sp to flag big abusers?

Or you just trolling?

Honestly did you discipline your children?
Or say to your self?

No I will not discipline my kids because the government and bankers are all corrupt and until I can straighten them out I can not justify disciplining my own kids?

You know we have to protect our own neighbourhood and we do what we can. Things out of our power we can do nothing about.

Maybe the reason why steemit sucks so bad is because everyone is too greedy and not spending any time cleaning up the trash?

Do you pick up the trash in your house and yard? Do you wash your hands? Why you picking on that little bacteria when there is much bigger viruses to tackle?

Be real bro you got to fight the battles you can win!

Picking on a little guy because "you can" when he maybe feeds his family from the few dollars he gets here, think on. I am going to answer this in a post tomorrow I hope you take the time to read it!

You know I read most of your post and you know me.
I honestly don't think it requires a a post to answer those questions.
Remember this when that hungry thief comes to your garage to steal one of those bikes that you love.

Were not picking on anyone. Were just picking up the trash that no one wants to clean up.

I will leave you to chat with the spammers on your boosted posts.

If someone has come to steemit to feed their family they are misguided and lazy.

If they have no other options.... What did they do 2 years ago? Maybe people should not start families they can not support? How does that make it ok to plagiarize another persons work?

So out of necessity you will build motorcycles for others to steal so they can feed their families? Just because they are irresponsible and criminals?

What a concept that will fix the world!

Why do you feel the need to police a site that does not do it itself, it is beyond me, all that negativity that goes into this is beyond belief, thanks for letting me know what you think of me and my posts, enjoy irrelevance, I never see you write "Anything" worth reading. I wish I had sold that account to someone happy, not a miserable human like YOU.

Thanks you for showing everyone on the block chain what a "positive" person you are.


I feel ya. We've run campaigns against him as well.

We are by no means excusing higher profile abusers. As a matter of fact, as this project grows and matures, we plan to pool resources to deal with these "bigger fish" more decisively.

If you scroll down on my blog, you'll see a lot of zeroed out posts. That was Haejin, Rancho, and StarJuno wiping out somewhere around $300 ish of rewards.

We're working on getting the system refined and consensus before we go after any high profile abuse.

Even if it is nickel and dime, still should be addressed imho. Stop it when it's small and it won't grow big. Bet there are many that wished we all would have wised up earlier with Haejin.

Water under the bridge.

Peace out homie

Being called flagawhale, and going after nickel and dime accounts makes zero sense to me. a whale is a whale by any other name, that guy is just as you said, nickel and dime, trying to stay relevant by picking on small fish, in no way equals being relevant, maybe stick to the label, or irrelevance, just my 0 cents worth hey!

Think I see where you are coming from.

We do deal with whale abuse unlike @Steemflagrewards (That is by design) but we are not necessarily limited to that, though. Think it better serves the community to address both in the extent that we are able. Why wouldn't it?

It is our hope that through our app so non-technical users are able to coordinate their own flag campaigns. Think it would do the blockchain a lot of good.

Thanks for your feedback!

Thanks for actually fighting abuse and actually standing up for what you believe in.
We do what we can with the best that we have.
Anonymous methods of delegation are available aren’t they?

We can even use the benefits of Hard Fork 20 now, we can downvote last minute self-voters.