Frank Bacon & Saint Germain - Other Worlds ◈ [Reflective Part 1] | The BOOK of the Month MOB - (CHAIN) CF4TCF

in #dlive7 years ago

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Ah! Gotcha! Makes sense!
Screw typing. We're like 5/6D lol.

Cause #tyroan - 9 months ago

I don't see why all the hate over this, he's on a super high positive energy lately especially after electric forest this year. He's an amazing person who just wants to spread happiness and positivity to everyone. There's no need for the hatred or negativity saying his creations are the same. This is FRANK BACON, respect this man who has given so much back to STEEMIANS and has actually helped the community and also has an amazing support of FANATICS who actually care about others and their well being. Please don't comment hateful comments. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all. Pretty sure our mothers taught us that.

“Other Worlds” was inspired by a new COLLEGE from SAINT GERMAIN,

which we brought to life with the help of STEEM PUNK Media. The COLLEGE shows portals emerge and unfold and evolve within and around a picture frame… a magical gateway, like the wardrobe in The Chronicles of Narnia.


VIVA a Grand View in Las Vegas...

Electronic Truth.



Ike likes Tyrone and wants to become a team member. Steempunk Radio Knew Weigh to return after Labor Day - recycling cylinders.


Hm, Narnia and Saint Germain!

This sounds like sth muy especial!..