My 36 Hour Journey Back to the States

in #dlive7 years ago


I left Canada on April 6th, to head back to California. Of course like all great adventures, there will always be some unexpected bumps in the road. April 6th started with an early 6 am flight. I woke up at 3 am to make sure I would not miss my flight. My journey back home would take around 13 hours. I mentally prepared myself for this long trip.

After traveling for over 10 hours, I was ready to be home and snuggle in my bed. When I landed in San Francisco, I discovered that my transfer flight had been canceled. AHHH! San Francisco to Sacramento is literally an 1.75 hour bus ride. It was frustrating to find out that I was so close, yet so far. The next flight out to Sacramento would not fly out until midnight, leaving me at the San Francisco airport for 10 hours. I decided to take my chances, and cancel my flight to bus it home. I booked my bus and made way to the bus station. Unfortunately, there was a lot of traffic due to heavy rain, and I literally missed my bus by 5 minutes. To make matters worse, there were no buses leaving that night, as they had all been booked. I was stranded in San Francisco for the night.

It might have been the combination of being covered in rain water, being tired, and missing my bus, but in that moment I felt like screaming in frustration. Why universe!?!?

Making the best out of any situation
After taking some deep breaths I decided to change my attitude about my situation and just "go with the flow." As a planner, this is often hard to do when I feel like nothing has gone my way. Well, now was my shinning moment to practice! YAY! Lucky for me, my friend Ezequiel, was free to provide me shelter for the night.

It turns out that my canceled flight, missed bus, and standing in the cold drenched in rain wasn't so bad after all. We ended up eating at Cha-Ya a vegan Japanese restaurant in San Francisco. It was so fun to catch up with Ezequiel, and it felt like the universe wanted to provide me with the chance to connect and spend quality time with an old friend! Ezequiel was moving, and it was his last night in San Fransisco.

The moral of the story is that there is a silver lining to every situation. It's your choice whether you want to focus on it or not. I'm glad I changed my attitude because it ended up being a hilarious night with Ezequiel. Watch our funny video we made together at Cha-Ya.


If you want to support my art, please check out my coloring book for adults called "Life of the Wild" on Amazon.

My video is at DLive


Well done for keeping such a positive attitude! Sometimes there just isn't anything we can do about these things... other than make the most of them. Got stranded in Amsterdam overnight once, due to a aircraft malfunction... could have been a total drag, but ended up having the greatest time with a group of random strangers from all over.

Yes you are right

awww! That's the best when life surprises you! :)

Short content is fine but again its a very subjective thing to decide if a one line poem deserves 100 dollars in posting rewards... Perhaps you could write something below your poem? Tell your readers what inspired you to write it? Maybe add a few pictures if there was any visual inspiration involved?

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That is so true @karensuestudios. Everything in life is about what we make of it. I can completely relate to the often difficulty in changing ones mindset, as I am a exceptionally organised and orderly individual too, so sometimes I struggle to let go and just allow things to unfold as they will... and yes, when I do - it generally does end up being a positive.

Wonderful that you got to have such a lovely catch up with a good friend.

"there's always a silver lining to every Situation"
Our attitude towards any situation is key to how well it ends. This is a needful post with a moral lesson for everyone!

I love the way you always sign out.


well sometimes we are left with just having to Make do with the worse of situation being stuck in rain water, that has got to hurt lol but you made most of the situation.
Ahhhhhhh I think I will draw inspiration from you lol

I will get myself stuck and make most of it, hahsha

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Aw, bad luck. But there are good things in every bad thing. Ezequiel seems like a cool guy. I love his smile. Btw, You must be pretty worn up. Let's meet again when you're back in your bed :)

Ohhh...Back to back misfortunes...But the good thing is that you managed to keep your attitude positive:)

Totally agree with you; there’s always a silver lining, and you made the right choice (because we always have a choice) to change your attitude. What a great way to end your night! There’s a reason for everything. You were totally meant to spend the night with your friend :)

Bad things happen so that something good happens and it's great that you keep a positive attitude