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RE: The Root Of Voluntaryism Is Love

in #dlive6 years ago

I can see how volunteering has the root of love. Loving others or something or the result of something will cause you to do good things for others without a desire to receive something in return.

I get it.

But for me, volunteerism and the gift economy is simply about being free from those who would take what you have left.

  • If you have no bank account, it cannot be seized.
  • If you have truly own no assets, they cannot be taken from you. You cannot be forced to sell them to pay taxes or legal fees or anything else that is unjust.

You might live like a pauper, but you'll have a lot of your time back to keep doing the things you were really meant to be doing. Working or owning anything at that time will be because you want to, vs. having to.


yup and every time someone threads on something and "regulates" it authoritatively

The world gets more tied up and people have more to pay for ...