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RE: A Steemit Exclusive Conversation with Yahia Lababidi

in #dlive7 years ago

Guys - I am so glad you connected! I enjoyed the interview so much that I took notes. I have been following @yahialababidi with great interest as well. We connected over Yahia's post on considering America's gun problem a spiritual disease, which I found to be an inspired perspective on the situation in the USA.

I love how you speak of being an observer, and that someone semi-informed ought to speak up. In my best moments of inspiration I share these thoughts. That as someone who is able to observe the interplay between countries, media, populations & spirituality along with an understanding of science - that I ought to speak up. Which has led me to Steemit in the first place (along with some coaxing from @benleemusic).

Your thoughts on the body and place of births as stencils, or tools we were given to work with are interesting as well. I think I was fortunate to have popped into this planet as a white male in Australia in the 70s. There is plenty of privilege built into my life simply because of where I was born. Your situation is perhaps less privileged, but when we consider our "intersectionality" versus say a black woman born in Southern Africa, then we can start to see that the place of birth and gender and race start to build into the headstart we have been given in life.

I'm interested in learning more about your experience in the revolution @yahialababidi if you are willing to share at some stage.

I find it profound that we are drawn to people through this platform with similar backgrounds, and passions. It was interesting to hear about your journey through religiosity & existentialism to come out as a creator somewhat at peace with your place in the world. It is a journey that bears a lot of resemblance to my own. Your comment that you are drawn mysteriously to what you love, and that the place God calls us to is the place where our deep Gladness and the world's deep hunger meet is familiar as well. I have moments of alignment where it all comes together and I find the passion to create and speak my inner wisdom. Then I feel distracted by the world and responsibility. Though I have come to realise that everything moves in waves throughout our life. I too have chased the intellectual rather than the mystical for much of my life. My intellectual journey was through science to try to find some meaning in my life, and now I find that the meaning has been residing deep inside me in my own inner wisdom that somehow we all share.

I appreciated your comment that blogging is a sketch rather than a painting. Sometimes I delay releasing a thought into the world as I think it deserves a longer post or my substance, but it's about finding that balance of being consistent with posting and posting quality content I guess.

A few last comments - I love that you are holding a pen throughout the interview @yahialababidi! It tells me that you are a writer at heart. I also enjoyed that you referenced E.T. when becoming "an alien of extraordinary ability!"

I'll finish with my take home message and favourite quote from the interview - aphorisims respect the silence, because that's where the wisdom lies. Amen my brother!

Thanks @benleemusic for putting this together & once again re-awakening the passion inside me.


Wow, @positiveninja, what a remarkably satisfying response! Deeply grateful for the gift of your very close attentions and, please, forgive me my abbreviated reply. Guests just left and had a few drinks, but wanted to get back to you, tonight, before I'm carried away in many different directions, tomorrow.

The beauty of conversation is that we never speak for ourselves, alone, I find. When we bare our hearts, we are able to connect with strangers, or semi-strangers. Thank you, for your trust and warm appreciation, Ninja, and @Benleemusic, for this terrific opportunity (also gotten positive feedback on Twitter).

PS - Since you’re interested, @positiveninja, you can find my writing, here, on Egypt—pre, during & post our Revolution:

Yes thanks for your thoughtful and inspired response @positiveninja !

Sharing our talk, widely, on Steemit & off; happy to see it doing better and better 🖖🏼