Visiting London Cryptocurrency Show & Promoting Dlive - Part I

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Hey guys, I woke up early this morning and headed off to the London Cryptocurrency Show in Hammersmith with @ezzy and our good friend @exyle. I am super excited because there are going to be a lot of Steemians attending the show and, of course, intend to fully support the Steemit booth and awesome speeches from our hard working @promo-steem team!



(@exyle and me)

Though one of my prioritized missions is also to promote Dlive and its developers! Two days ago, I had my Dlive t-shirt printed in a local shop near me called Snappy Snap(which actually turned out to be really good). Please check it out in my video, lol! With my main aim being to spread the word about Dlive at the London Cryptocurrency Show! I hope to attract many more people to the platform and keep on building our incredible community to reach even higher heights!


Stay tuned and look out for the next part!

今天虽然是周六,我一大早就起床了,并和@ezzy@exyle一起去参加伦敦Cryptocurrency 展会。听说有很多Steemians会来,所以我特别兴奋。当然也是去支持Steem宣传团队的演讲,为他们打气,呵呵!

我的另一个任务是为Dlive做宣传哦!前两天我在当地一家叫做Snappy Snap的店里定制了印有Dlive标志的T-shirt,效果还不错,你们觉得呢?我希望通过在展会上宣传, 吸引更过的人加入这个平台,并共同建设这个难以置信的社区!

我的下集将会介绍展会的情况,请大家关注哦, 谢谢。


My video is at DLive


really nice!!! I wish I had the same dtube shirt!

Was so happy to see you @rea and @ezzy

It was awesome to meet you @rea !
DLive forever! :)

Well done girl! You doing amazing job!!!

Ah... was expecting quite a number of you to go there when I heard it's London.

Nice promotion to DLive

This looks like so much fun! I would love to be able to attend and see everything. Thanks for sharing your vid - I’ll experience it through you for now!

Wow! I was looking at your posts and it looks like you have an exciting life of travel and fun.
Congratulations on your planning and work, which made this possible.
哇! 我正在看你的帖子,看起来你有一个令人兴奋的旅行和乐趣的生活。

Congratulations to all participants, this is a good outing, I hope with this show more investors will be coming and steem will attained more strength.
