Early Morning Hearthstone Carnage
Join me as I try to wake up with a cup of coffee and a couple of dungeon runs in Hearthstone.
Drop a comment so I know you are here because I like to reward my viewers :)
Big thanks to Dlive for making this possible. I never knew that building a streaming community will be so much fun.
My live stream is at DLive
#dlive-broadcast #dlivebroadcast-game #dlivebroadcast-dlive #dlivebroadcast-gaming #dlivebroadcast-steemgc #dlivebroadcast-dliver #dlivebroadcast-entertainment
Everything looks awsome, but I like it better when you play jazz in the morning, it's more suitable (in my opinion) 😊
Thanks for joining the stream :) I know, but I had steemian ask me 3 times to play rap for him
Please make a good tutorial for Dlive we are eager to using. This is great habitation to get well the body,
Will do :)
Thanks for your kindness, this will be great for newbie
Np, be on the lookout, I'll put it up in a day or two
Dlive looks really cool. I'm a newbie, please kindly tell me a little about it😊
Hey, it's a livestreaming platform where you can easily set up a stream and get rewarded for it :)
If you got more questions please ask away.
Hey bro !!!, i hope you loved that coffee HOT
First time have a feel of dlive. Just viewed your stream simply fantastic @runicar. Apart from gaming what else can be stream?
You can stream whatever you want :)
looks like you are enjoying that game, spending some time to it. I thought it was poker at first glance haha but it is not. I like the graphics of the game.
hahaha thanks for joining the stream buddy :) glad you enjoy it!
Hi bro i wanna ask a one question how did u add the tags more then 5
and one other user i see he used 14 tags in his posts.@runicar
I only used a couple, the rest is by Dlive
Thanks alot @runicar
I will be here waiting for your updates. By the way, I wish I could grab a handful of the treasures in that picture up there.
Thanks for joining the stream man :)
Hey guys Looks like he is pretty busy streaming but it seems like you all are pretty excited about the dlive platform! That's great. Perhaps a tutorial video on dlive is needed!
I'm here answering all questions just not on Dlive, but on steemit :) I'll make you a video tutorial in a day or two.
Sounds good - Looks like it is demand. I stream most days... maybe one of these times I'll stream just to do a live q&a.
Dlive is cool
I know, you already told me on my last stream.
You need to think of a better comment next time if you want an upvote, lol
😊😊😊,, thanks you