Miss. Delicious #91 : Yangmingshan & the infamous Shilin Night Market!

in #dlive7 years ago


Dear Steemit Friends:


In today's edition of Miss. Delicious, I'll be taking us on a tour of one of the most famous night market's in all of Taiwan called Shilin night market. Most visitors to Taipei would have visited at-least once, and most likely yearned for a re-visit after discovering the various night market snacks and how absolutely delicious they are. Actually, I'm one of those return visitors too, each time I visit Taipei, I'm always anxious to pay Shilin a visit and see what new food creations are on offer.

From my earlier visits to Shilin as well as other night markets, I realised that the bustling atmosphere of "people mountain, people sea" reaches climax in the late evening, visit before dusk and you'll likely be wondering where everybody is. Indeed, a night market is most fun when it is bustling and overflowing with people. It can get a little uncomfortable battling people for room to walk, but the atmosphere more than makes up for it!

To fill up the day, I decided to visit Yangmingshan National Park. Located to the north of Taipei city, the park occupies over 100 square kilometers of area and is home to numerous parks, hiking trails, plants, wildlife as well as hot springs. People usually spend several days exploring Yangmingshan, even choosing to stay in the national park where hot spring hotels are a many. With just a few hours to explore, my visit would be very swift in comparison.

Yangmingshan National Park

Yangmingshan National Park is on the outskirts of the city and requires a short bus journey. The simplest route is to take the MRT to Jiantan station, and then get the R5 bus which takes you directly to the Yangmingshan bus terminal.

Once at the Yangmingshan bus terminal, there is another bus service labelled "108" which circles around the entire park and runs until 6pm in the evening. The bus comes every half an hour or so, and you only have to purchase a ticket once then you can hop on and off the bus all day as you please.

Mountains in the area can be as tall as 1200 metres thus travelling through the park will involve traversing through the valleys as well as winding round some of the mountains at various heights. Should time permit, I recommend getting off the bus and taking your time to appreciate the natural surroundings. The contrast in elevation of the mountains is something to marvel at, but also as a result of this, the climates can differ quite a bit. You will find yourself in sub tropical climates and then suddenly warm temperate climates depending on where you are in the park.

I was also surprised to learn that there are a significant number of people who live in the Yangmingshan area. In-fact, there are whole villages dedicated to cultivating tea plantations and other agricultural products.

Zhuzihu is an example of one of these farming villages. Tucked within the mountains, the area used to be a lake surrounded by mountains and volcanoes. It's unique geology made it suitable to farming rice paddies and then later on lily's. The reason why it's called "Zhuzihu" is that the surrounding forests are mostly bamboo forests and the characters "Zhuzi" mean bamboo in Chinese.

When the bus sets you down at the Zhuzihu bus stop, it's not at all obvious where the village is. In-fact, it's quite a distance away and requires quite a bit of further walking to get there. Do make sure to cross the road and get some pictures at the viewing platform. The valley below is simply beautiful!

To get to Zhuzihu, you'll have to look for the sign posts pointing you in the right direction, then follow the road down for several kilometers. Along the way, you have the opportunity to join some other hiking trails to other parts of Yangmingshan.

Every where you look, you'll find hints and artefacts left by the people who live/lived here. The roads are maintained very well and most of the houses erected on this mountain path seem to be from the late period of Japanese occupation. (c. 1945)

Actually, the Japanese influence in Yangmingshan can be felt not only in the architecture, but also in the wildlife. They planted black pines, acacia trees and sweet gum in the mountains, and to this day, they are largely untouched.

This is the unfinished tourist centre for Zhuzihu. There is no tourist information here, just a car park and a welcome sign. At this point, I was getting some what concerned about the whereabouts of Zhuzihu, I looked around in all directions looking for a Bamboo lake, and all I could see was mountainous terrain. Putting trust into the sign posts, I carried on walking.

It's quite amazing trekking through the mountains, because without relative point of view, I wasn't aware that i was already several hundred meters above sea level. In the distance, I could see the clouds hovering barely over the mountains, some were taller than the others but all were very pretty.

Some happy campers even brought their dogs a long to enjoy the view!

Some people happily hike around Yangmingshan all day, for all that, all it takes is a set of energetic feet, and about 4-5 hours of your time. Most people take the trail from the headquarters to Mt. Cising. From there, you can walk to Lengshuikeng where you'll find some hot springs (contrary to what the name suggests). A walk back to the headquarters through the Cising park completes the hike!

Dotted throughout the park are these little hot spring stations. Some are significantly larger than others, even serving as lodging with fancy private rooms, each with their own little spa. This one seems to be the smaller kind with just the hot spring baths.

Finally, I arrived at Zhizihu village. At first, I was looking around for a lake but then I realised that the lake had become arable land. The lake of old no longer exists, in it's place, large stretches of rice paddies and Calla Lilly's are grown and farmed.

There are village houses in the valley basin, and these are the remnants of the Han Chinese who moved to the area to cultivate tea plantations as well as other agricultural products.

In the basin of the Zhuzihu village, there are some foot paths built for people to move around the plantations. The outer rim is where the village houses and other buildings are situated. The main part of the land is used to cultivate Calla Lily flowers.

The distant scenic mountains which surround the village are truly an amazing sight. The one in this picture seems to be more like a hump.

During March to May, Calla Lily flowers fill up the whole basin. They become the main attraction at Zhuzihu and will draw many visitors from the city to come buy the Calla Lily.

The foot paths here are a really good trail to follow as they take you around and through the Zhuzihu agriculture. Sadly, I came at a time where the Lily's already blossomed and so, it will be something to come back for to see the next time I visit.

Knowing that the bus back to headquarters stops running at 6pm. I left quite promptly and began my descent back down the path I came to the bus stop. If you miss the last bus, then it's several hours of walking in almost pitch black along mountainous roads. That certainly is not a fate I want to subscribe myself to.

Although I didn't get to see the Calla Lily's of Zhuzihu, I did get to see the vibrant farming community and the bamboo forests surrounding the village. I've spent a lot of time exploring the city of Taipei and very little time in the country side so it was a really nice change of pace from the city. There's definitely a stronger connection with nature when you take it in your own stride to explore it. After spending 4 or 5 hours doing my own little expedition around Yangmingshan, I was satisfied that I got a taste of what Yangmingshan has to offer and I'm looking forward to visiting again for the Hot Springs and other Hiking Trails!

Shilin Night Market

The Shilin Night Market is located just a few kilometers from the Yangmingshan main bus station. To get to Shilin from Yangmingshan, take the same R5 bus back to Jiantan station. Despite what the name might suggest, Shilin MRT station is not where you'll find the Shilin night market, it's actually closer to Jiantan station. Once I got off the bus from Yangmingshan, Shilin was just across the road.

The large spherical object is where the old Shilin food market used to be. Because of safety concerns, the area was demolished and the food stalls were moved to the main part of the night market along with the other non-food vendors.

Despite the reshuffling and modern renovations, Shilin is still the largest and one of the most famous if not THE most famous night market in Taiwan. The sheer breadth of the market can only be uncovered by wandering through the many alleyways of the market. Unlike some other market's, Shilin night market operates on top of existing high street vendors so it is more like a network of street vendors and high street vendors plus a lot of food stalls all mixed together in a night time shopping and glutton frenzy.

At night time, the street signs light up and the whole place is illuminated in a whole palette of colours. It doesn't matter whether you're a student, an office worker, or a retiree, the market has a power of attraction that seemingly nobody can resist. Is it the flurry of people looking for bargain merchandise? Or is it the curious mixture of smells emanating from all the little food snack stalls?

It isn't gourmands having a field day, bargain hunters, tourists looking for souvenirs will be spoiled for choice. Unlike the kind of markets' you'll find in other countries, most of the goods are locally made. You can choose from a wide array of goods such as clothes, shoes, electronics, bags, purses and even jewellery.

Although you'll find similar items elsewhere, picking it out for yourself and then bartering for it is part of the fun.

This is one of the "official" entrances to the night market. On the ground level, you'll mostly find souvenirs, local goods and carnival like games. The basement level is where you'll find the main food court, but that's not to say you won't find food stalls laid out across the rest of the market.

After a day of walking around Yangmingshan, I was truly ready to eat, let's see what's on offer!

Ice Cream and Peanut Wrap.

The preparation of this curious snack is quite simple. The flour crepe is laid flat and then peanut shavings are placed on top from a wooden tool used to shave the peanut block. Then, you choose which flavour scoops of ice cream you want which are then placed on top. After that, another layer of peanut shavings over the ice cream and finally, the coriander. The edges are wrapped over and then placed in a clear plastic bag for you to walk and eat.

There's a similar dish called a 'Run Bing' which has Pork Belly meat instead of the ice cream, but with such a hot tropical climate, I definitely prefer this sweet cooling snack.

Mango Snowflake Ice

Another dessert style dish which is sweet and great for cooling off, the Mango Snowflake ice is basically chopped fresh mango's on a bed of milky shaved ice. A lot of dessert cafes in China town's across the world like to imitate this dish, often using shaved ice as the base, supplementing with the condensed milk. It's a far cry from the way they're made here where the actual ice is milk flavoured.

To help pace everybody, the night market has spread out it's food stalls making you pass through these game stalls before continuing to eat. I thought i 'd give shooting a BB Gun a try, it turns out hitting all the balloons was easier than I thought. There's a saying in Chinese 百发百中 which means 100 shots 100 hits. I guess I'm good with guns!

Some snack stalls have garnered quite a reputation. The more popular ones will stick up pictures of all the famous people who have come to approve their food. Some vendors have been in the business for more than 30 years, such as this lady who serves a Taiwanese version of the famous Okonomiyaki from Japan, no doubt a dish brought over during the Japanese occupation.

One of the busiest alleyways is also the home of quite a beautiful temple. Actually, many night market's begin because of a temple. Vendors would set their stalls up near the entrances to temples to sell their snacks to hungry worshippers. Today, the temple also serves as a resting place for people wanting to eat their snacks before searching out the next.

If you want to try every snack you fancy at the night market, then I recommend taking a single bite from each because the variety of what's available is astonishing. In Chinese, these snacks are called "Xiaochi" which literally translates to "little eats". They are meant to be bite size but with hundreds to try, you'll still struggle to taste them all in one visit.

Notice the Prawns in the water tank, they are actually live and barbecued to order. In other places, you'll find little carnival games where the goal is to catch a prawn with a tiny hook. Of course, if you catch one, you get to eat it.

Giant Sausages feature frequently in Taiwanese night market stalls, as do fried octopus. I think the Japanese are definitely responsible for the octopus but the huge sausages I dare say are a local obsession. There's actually an interesting way to eat these sausages which we'll discover later on.

Like in most places in Taiwan, you are never too far away from a bubble tea stall or fresh fruit stall. Many of the fresh fruit stalls will squeeze your favourite fruit juices for you and serve them with various kinds of jelly's.

In China, night markets are not as prevalent and that's because there is yet to be a government sanctioned license for operating a street stand. In Taiwan, vendors are licensed and pay a licensing fee as well as rent for the space they occupy. This however, doesn't stop unlicensed vendors from trying to operate when the police are not around.

In general, the police will not arrest or even stop vendors from doing business, they understand that this kind of market is inherent to the culture of Taiwan, moreover, the stands make the whole place a lot more lively. Most of the time when police come, there is a mad rush in the middle of the street (where the illegal stands are) where the vendors will pack their stalls up in a split second and run away to the side to hide. Once the police are gone, it's back to business!

A long time ago, I showed you guys how good I was with UFO Grabber games, but this human UFO grabber is something completely new. I didn't get an opportunity to try as the bus just drove right by, but it looked like so much fun!

Before China took over manufacturing for pretty much the entire world, Taiwan had a booming toy manufacturing industry. It was even called the Toy Kingdom because foreign toy manufacturers all flocked to Taiwan to take advantage of their low wage work force. Today, the industry is greatly muted by the manufacturing giant that is China but remnants of the old Toy Kingdom are still evident.

Big Sausage wrap small sausage.

As promised, I would show you an interesting way to eat those gigantic sausages, sadly, it doesn't involve making them any smaller, quite the opposite. Here the big sausage is used as a "bun" to wrap a smaller sausage in the middle.

And that wraps up the Shilin night market tour. It is said that during the KMT retreat to Taiwan, Chang Kai Shek brought over 2 million people from the mainland which included some of it's best chefs. This was part of the reason why Taiwan has become a mecca of food with it's history greatly influenced by the natives, the Japanese, and also the mainland Chinese. One thing is for sure, Shilin night market has more snacks to try than even the most confident of gourmands, and few are known to have left disappointed. It is no wonder that the night market has been around for over 100 years, growing from strength to strength, attracting more and more people, including tourists like myself.

The Shilin night market is a fantastic place to eat lots of innovative inexpensive local Taiwanese snacks but it's also an opportunity to experience some of the most vibrant night market culture in all of Asia. I've been to Taipei several times now and I've never missed an opportunity to visit Shilin.

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My video is at DLive


Greetings, Sweetjsss

Great post. I live here in Brazil and this world presented by you is totally different. The culture of the people, the way they dress, the aesthetics of the places presented, the way one chooses the rides and how they deal with money is different from here.

Thank you and appreciate the photos you placed on your tour. I love nature and I thought they looked beautiful.

Thanks for showing us a nice tutorial on Yangmingshan National Park and Yangmingshan. I really liked them !!!

Thank you and good evening!!

greetings julisavio, its interesting that you can compare the differences between this world and yours, I really need to visit Brazil myself and see just how different it is. One thing I really like about Taiwan in general is how well nature seems to 'fit' with it's local inhabitants. I'm never too far away from forest areas or the sea, never do I feel as though i'm in an endless concrete jungle, which can be the case in almost all large cities in China..

You can come, I assure you, it will be very well received and you will like it here. I also have this taste, I prefer places where nature prevails !!!

Thank you Linda sweet

can I come as well? Btw Linda, i just love your presentation of China. I practically fell in love with the city. Looking forward to visiting Yangmingshan National Park and Yangmingshan. I

@sweetsssj owns @dlive right now! I hope everyone learns from her vlogging and starts utilizing Dlive the correct way like this! And if not everyone is that good at video just get an editor if you have to this can be a production you upload you can vlog or you can make a TV show a comedy a drama or a documentary anything but Vlogging like This is very profitable and easy to begin on dlive, just record video like sweetsssj does when you go somewhere interesting and mix your favorite music to it... So many vlog styles to choose form , you can do casey neistat or jake paul or mr beast whatever you want hah .. Oh man so glad steem is going up right now! No one can deny sweetsssj is carrying Dlive right now, she will spawn many copycats watch so many people will copy this style and start making videos like this, its a great thing I want to see people making these from every city on Earth! People will set up reward funds to compete to make their neighborhood the most beautiful with the coolest public park and walking pedestrian spaces and roads etc, and we can have actual photo competitions about that with crypto DPOS reward poos with steem and communities and SMTs ..... I love that we have such great Dlive talent, I hope to see more of this as much as possible! This is the Social media Blockchain page of a young woman from a vibrant economy that wants to win and build the biggest following and no one else interacts with as many followers as she does and it just takes time to manually curate. SO MUCH Wealth is about to POUR into China through steem and Bitcoin. What is the name of that one Village where it is a model village financially where the industry is owned by all the families and everyone has a house and car? People go there to learn the secrets of wealth from an old wise man? We should get steem into this mix because steem is just the ultimate wealth creation tool for the highest number of people. No other blockchain can help as many people except maybe EOS, golos and bitshares of course (and bitcoin private ) So we need to advertise Steem's strengths like 10,000 transactions per second and also how on https://blocktivity.info steem makes up over half of all blockchain activity on the planet

This is a comprehensive overview of your travel. The pictures and the description were beautifully tied together. I was able to follow you and I enjoy the trip with you. The theme was also kept. Congratulations!
Once again happy touring!

Hi here is my number cal me.07065175818

@julisavio we think the same, latinos do not take care of nature as this people do. I am impressed about this place, but we can cure our nature but we need years of culture to achieve it.

So once again Miss Delicious back to Steemit after a very long break 🤓🤓

Well first of all i really impressed that even after you are already a superb bloger you still find some ways of improve your already improved blogs and this blog is totally a combo of Traveling+Food as you always prefer 😇

So the use of gif make this post beautiful and specially the first gif of a reverse video clip,that was superb,

The view of Yangmingshan is really magnificent amd full of natural life in it and even the dogs also enjoyed their with their owners,The greenery and environmental beauty of this village is lovely,

So after walking all day iam sure that you feel really hungry after that so Shilin Night Market is the perfect place for you,😅

The entrance itself is very big and this time i really enjoyed your street food blogging style because today you visit a lot of different shop for trying their food instead of ordering the whole menu of a restaurant on a single table😅😅 sry jokes apart i like this new food blogging style.

And their is a little bonus also included in this post that is the games section,i hope you enjoyed shooting and other games that are available in that night market.

Overall i love the post as always and it's a really big coincidence that when i checked my feed randomly i got your post their 🤓🤓

And sandia if you got some time then please have a look on one of my recent post about a special gift cum gadget that my Mom Gifted me on my birthday and give your lovely feedback 🙏🙏😇

Thanks shiva, the reverse gif was to imply we go back from the end of the day to the beginning. I haven't had much opportunity to explore Yangmingshan as much as I'd like so i'll be going back and covering that in a bit more detail next time.

There are lots of good night markets in Taipei, but I find myself being attached to Shilin for some reason, maybe I feel more comfortable in larger scale markets coming from China.

Will check out the post soon :)

Well i really love to see more beautiful details about this market next time 😇



我知道另一个是粉色的 😄

哇,台北市應該請你當觀光大使的.... 看起來怎麼這麼好玩捏~~~~ 哈哈哈~~~~


快點再來啊~~ 士林夜市宰客太多..... 帶你去別的..... ^_^



那好吧,你出錢,我帶路。哈哈哈!要跟也得案主先真的要來再說~~ 我們是在說夜市捏,不是景點。夜市數量也不多... 沒什麼好私房的





@sweetsssj 呵呵,甜姐这一趟在士林夜市应该收获不少吧,是不是有种“意犹未尽”的感觉 :)





you really are gifted on taking picture. you see things that arent visible to the naked eyes. nicr blog this was worth chrcking out

hiroyamagishi, thank you!

Wah this is soooo amazing!! Thanks for sharing!!

you're welcome leftbank, thanks for visiting :)

Wow sssj! You’re still globetrotting and still killing it!!! Great post and great looking food and fun!

Cheers! from @thedamus


hey thedamus, so lovely to see you, and thanks for keeping an eye out for me, i'll be all over the place for the foreseeable future!