Giant Stick Bug on My Porch
I saw a huge stick bug out of the corner of my eye. There is a lot of different beings that live around me I'm noticing.
Join my discord chat and read pinned message for steps to be added to our trail:
Curation Trail Stats by @karega

My video is at DLive
Oh that's quite big, I am so scared of any kind of bugs. Good that you are not.
I have recently been nicer to spiders...they kill everything else in the house and are harmless
It is an alien bug.
Weird looking.
Keep on postin'
Last time i saw a stick insect was in elementary school we had a few as pets lol.
Have you ever encountered a snake in that area?
Yes on the trail nearby but not in the actual yard yet. My wife did tho.
Wooow, as long as it doesn't bite you or enter your house you're all good
Now that’s a bug that I have never seen in person. They are supposedly really good at camouflaging themselves around trees. Nature always wins when we invade their space.
Loving see the land bro. That’s awesome you see hella animals on your land. Have you done a tour of land. I’m trying to get 5 acres in Washington State for my fam.
My friends, have your Discord ever been stolen, because I have been deceived by @trevonjb Account in Discord.

he took 30 SBD me.
see the evidence below.
I do not believe you and this is not evidence of anything...
He told me to send 30 steem to the blocktrades and he sent me a memo.
you can read my conversation on the photo above with @trevonjb.
Nah bro, that’s a fake Trevon account. he doesn’t go by “trevonjb” on discord he’s “Novert” and only converses openly in the chat..NEVER IN DM’s.
Nope. Burn the house down.
###Regards, good luck