The Legend of Zelda - Misery Mire

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Welcome to The Abbey!

I've always had a knack for falling and not getting hurt.

That is not to say that I'm full of grace. I'm full of plenty of things, I'm not so sure grace is one of them. Perhaps.

It has more to do with that feeling you get when you hug someone you truly care for, kiss someone whom you burn for, and I imagine for some, it's the same feeling one might have when you're in the ring and you land a perfect punch to the face - SMASH! Connection.

For me, it's all about connection. And when I fall, I always know the ground will catch me.

I might have caught my elbow on the edge of a rail, grazed my shins on the asphault, coming up with bruises, some minor scrapes here and there, maybe tear a whole in my pants...But I'm still here! And what a fall that was! What a tumble!... We can do it again?
Let's do it again!

For many of us, the ground is exactly why we try to avoid falling.
When we hit it, after a fall, it hurts.
But I'm sure for me, the ground is exactly why I enjoy falling.
It will always be there to catch me. And that feels really good.

I invite you to imagine the alternative - endlessly falling through space.
Through the abyss. On and on and on.
Some say that this is what all we're doing anyway - falling, forever.

"Do you think that if you were falling in space, that you would slow down after a while
or go faster and faster?"

"Faster and faster. For a long time you wouldn't feel anything. Then you'd burst into fire.
Forever. And the angels wouldn't help you, because they've all gone away."

I know that this mystery drives some of us mad. We cannot fathom the infinite, and even attempting to do so begins to open doors that we would rather, for one reason or another, just stay shut.

But...What lies on the other side of those doors?
No one knows.
It's a mystery that perhaps can never and should never be solved.

But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna open that door, Y'all!

If that light burns you on the other side, take it as a good sign.

We all have to burn if we're going to shine.

As I'm getting older, I'm realizing, that all of this pain that I feel is me trying to hold on.
Trying to hold on to everything I know. Everything that is comfortable. Everything familiar.
The more I grasp, the quicker it all slips away.
...I keep falling, over and over again. And it's terrible!

OH! My back!
OH! My aching neck and sore head!
OH! My broken heart!

...Yet...I'm still here.
I have everything I need and I'm surrounded by love.
Feet on the ground.
Head still in the clouds.

In writing this post for today, Mystery Monday, I have pieced together why my life, for the last seven years has been so miserable; I have forgotten how to fall.
This is why I'm at the bottom.

For years, I've been at the bottom of this massive mud pit and it's been raining the whole time!
On either side of the mud pit is a set of very solid, very sturdy stairs.
All I need to do to get out of this pit is use the stairs - but instead I endlessly walk about the bottom of this pit with a magnifying glass studying the ground, stubbing my toes on stones,
tripping over roots and hitting my head!

"I know it must be here, I've tripped over it a thousand times! I must study this ground and know it like the back of my hand so that I never, ever trip again."

...Meanwhile, I never bother to use the stairs, because I'm afraid I'll hurt myself.

Trust me when I say, this is not what we're meant for.

And yet, now I see, this is what so many of us do - me included.

Being crowned a DLiveStar, I'm not gonna lie, has kinda shaken me up.
I did not expect this. I doubt I deserve it, yet here I am.

I must have finally decided to use the stairs.

...Can't wait to fall down them again!

Join me, won't you!

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
Developed and Published by Nintendo.
Released on the SNES November 21, 1991.

Engage and interact with me during the stream.


My live stream is at DLive


Zelda was the first game I fell in love with. I had it on Nintendo 64.

Congrats on the DLive Star award! Keep up the great work.

I appreciate that, jimmy!

Awesome! I actually just made a post about noteworthy titles released in 1991, but totally forgot about "A Link to the Past"

Este es uno de mis videojuegos favoritos, de hecho me gustaria poder tatuarme al link de wind waker, un saludo para todos los gamers.

A Link to the Past is my favorite Zelda game.
If you decide to get that tattoo, please share!

congratulations to you. I will resteem this post. follow me too and upvote the post

Nice post dear, please help me get more friends and some votes i am new here, need your dear

really good ... 👍👍👍👍

this game is very intersting

You're totally great! and u r right!, great post man!

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