
Antimedia following you since day 1... great posts and very informative. But, your every post is upvoted by cheetah, please take care of that problem, not good for your reputation.

You have spotted them right.USA is a country which is creating problem all over.They want to rule over the entire world.From 2nd world war to till now how much people they killed,certainly more than anyone.Thanks for the post.@upvoted

Great symbolism. Yes I believe that you are most certainly right in your thought. It seems to be there political answer to most things. Shame....

Sad,but true

there's two US, the USA and the USSR, two United States, two United Republics and the people you're talking about are neither, they're agents of the crown.

But the United States is simply a franchise of the crown, which is owned by the Vatican

Yes and the Crown is agent of the Vatican, look at the dollar bill, One world order has everyone's consent:

"He approves of the undertakings." and under the all seeing eye, "new world order". The power was never the American Peoples, it was usurped from the inception of the constitution signed to in secret which hardly is a semblance of what it claimed to be, so much for Republican Constitution and here comes Democratic Republic, so much of the people, for the people by the people as of the dumb for the servants by the citizens.

Painful, but true