Many may remember the popular car in Yugoslavia. Here's something on to remind.
Mnogi se možda sjećaju popularnog auta u Jugoslaviji. Evo nešto na tu temu.

Under picture for those who don`t speek Croatia, Serbian or similar language.
Better to go to mistress with Yugo, then to job with Audi

Funny car :) you know why it has heated back glass? That you are not cold in hands when pushing it.
Hahah, bas si me nasmijao sa ovim mistress XD Prvi auto, najdrazi auto!
Malo humora uvijek dobro dođe. Obično pišem ozbiljne teme o zdravlju ali smijati se je zdravo, pa eto. :-)
Uvijek dobro dođe! :D Odlicne teme inace, da se svasta pokupiti korisnog.
Strasna slika, haha
Hahahaha...you got me with this one!!
"No airbags, we die like real men" hahahahaha o, zivote, koje ludilo hahaha