
What is the difference between a school and a prison?
-The phone number.

You can get out of a jail sentence early for good behavior, too.

Yup. But they don't give you a bible until you get to prison..

Government indoctrination camps. This summer, my former prisonmates will be celebrating their 50th year of release from our brainwashing institution called "public school" with a reunion in my hometown. They still don't get it, however. They all still believe that it was a glorious time in their lives. Morons.

chessM. Are you on I will challenge you to a "no clock" game if you like. Anytime.

@fundposhprincess No, I'm not on I've played a lot of online chess but lost interest.
Thanks anyway.

If you change your mind, hit me up.

CM. I graduated in '74 and frankly is WAS a glorious time in my life. Of course, I don't know what it would have been like to be a student in a private school, but in that day, I do remember some of my teachers really challenging us to QUESTION AUTHORITY. Speak up. Hold firm. I know it seems ironic, and perhaps it was a sign of those times, in general. I mean, my American Lit teacher had us read Ayn Rand's "Anthem"!!! So it wasn't even like we were stuck in the "left/right" paradigm, either. But you know what? I see it the same way as you do in a sense: "They still don't get it, however". Not one individual from my class followed suit. I do believe if the opposite was the case, I would have known.....

resteemed and following. Excellent point; well served. Are you an Adam Kokesh 2020 fan? Have you read (or heard) his "Freedom!" book?

Please afford us your appraisal of it. Thanks.

"Right now is an amazing time to be alive...."

Haha. It's not far from the truth. In a lot of states they can take you to court if your kids don't show up to school.

In all states, it's the default that there is a threat of punishment by government under truancy law.

Hahaha too good