My walking tour with my dog

in #dog6 years ago

Today is the day when I took a walk with my dog Simba. We had a great walk and run tour in forest and streets what was about 10-12 kilometres. Today the weather was little bit cold and windy and some snow was falling down as well.
Simba is a great dog who likes to run, sniff, play with other dogs, be with human all the time and chase the birds when they fly past. He is a wonderful dog. There is so many words to describe him and no one can replace him to me.
When people first meet him, they are scared because his a big dog but in reality his is one of the friendliest dogs who likes being scratched.
So today is actually first day when I write a blog and I'm pretty proud of me because of that. I am not usually a writing kind of a guy but it seems to get to me and I'm starting to like it. Simba is here next to me at the moment when I am writing this blog and having a nice dream in a warm house. He is more like a outside dog but when we feel like it's little bit chilly then we let him in. I just also finished burning fireplace and now it's really warm in here and we both enjoy this. Later I should make a tea and get cosy and gonna watch some tv shows with Simba.
I hope to write soon something more or make a video of us walking around forest or city and see you in my next blog.IMG-3033.JPG


Humans can detect sounds at 20,000 times per second, while dogs can sense frequencies of 30,000 times per second.

Good to know