In Which I Rant About My Dog Buddy and How Great He Is

in #dog7 years ago (edited)

This post is dedicated to my beautiful dog, Buddy: his quirks, his silliness, and his never-ending love for the simple things in life. I hope I can do him justice!

I wanted to start off by thanking everyone for their kind responses to my introduction post on Friday. As @charlottefawsitt is well aware, I was a little nervous about posting here for the first time – worrying that I didn’t have much of interest to say – so the lovely messages and upvotes that I received really helped me to feel at ease here in the Steemit community. I want to give a special shoutout to @introspector for saying that my rant about how much I love terrible pop music inspired her to be unashamed of her taste for it too. 😂 That really did make me laugh.
So, I stated in my post yesterday that I planned to write about Buddy’s annual birthday parties. I think I will begin with a general overview of who he is and how he came into our family’s lives. Buddy was born on January 26th, 2015, in the care of the Galway Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA). That date is significant to us because it is the date on which our former dog, Choco, passed away after a long illness. We have asked Buddy on a number of occasions whether he is Choco reincarnated, but that’s not a question he seems willing to answer. 😉

The loss of Choco devastated everyone in the family – as he had lived with us for over fourteen years – but we always knew that we'd eventually open our hearts to another dog.

Any dog fan will know that as soon as you have experienced the honour of being loved by a beautiful canine, life is never quite the same. Your home never feels complete without a dog's excitable presence. You yearn for the cacophony they start up when it's time for a walk, or the sensation of a wet nose gently booping your face in the morning, wanting to be fed. I acutely feel the lack of a doggo presence in my own day-to-day life, because I don't actually live with Buddy now and have to content myself with seeing him every time I visit my family, as my apartment is far too small for me to take in a dog of my own.
Even in our sorrow, we had a sense that taking in a new dog would be a beautiful way to honour Choco's memory. There is poem called A Dog's Last Will and Testament that I have often seen in various corners of the Internet, but I've never known who the author is. If anybody does know, please do tell me so that I can add their name. The sentiments expressed in that poem beautifully describe the unconditional love that dogs can demonstrate, so I wanted to include it in this post.

A Dog's Last Will and Testament

(Author Unknown)

Before humans die, they write their last Will & Testament, and give their home and all they have to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I'd ask....

To a poor and lonely stray I'd give:

My happy home.
My bowl, cozy bed, soft pillows and all my toys.
The lap which I loved so much.
The hand that stroked my fur and the sweet voice which spoke my name.
I'd will to the sad scared shelter dog the place I had in my human's heart, of which there seemed no bounds.

So when I die please do not say, "I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand." Instead go find an unloved dog; one whose life has held no joy or hope and give MY place to him.

This is the only thing I can give...the love I left behind.

Buddy's mother Rhianna was saved from impending euthanasia at a dog pound in Galway when the pound was emptied just before Christmas 2014 and the dogs were handed over to any local rescue charities or foster homes that could take them. My parents and sister drove from Dublin to Galway to get Buddy after they saw his picture on the GSPCA's Facebook page.

Who could fail to fall in love with this adorable face?

Buddy found a permanent place inside our hearts in no time at all. He immediately proved to have an incorrigible personality: hiding our shoes and socks, chewing everything within sight, and stealing food whenever he thought he could get away with it. He still gets excited over every minor little incident that marks a deviation from his daily routine, and he has yet to master the art of not jumping all over visitors and serenading them with a delightful medley of whines and barks the moment they enter the house (though he has, at least, stopped peeing on them 🙈). No matter what he does, though, we always forgive him.
How could we possibly remain angry with him when he turns those beautiful, pleading eyes upon us?

He is quite a fan of boxes, as you may be able to tell. I'm not sure how he even got into this one, to be honest...

Buddy is an irreplaceable part of our family, just like every human within it, so we always throw him a birthday party on January the 26th every single year. It doesn't matter to us that he does not know or care that this date is his birthday: we just love his howls of delight as we prepare his "cake" (a rice cake, almond butter and raspberry jam sandwich dreamed up by my mother on his very first birthday), followed by his howls of anxiety as we proceed to place candles into it and set them alight. He can never blow the candles out, of course – one of us always has to do it for him – but it's the thought that counts! These parties are our little way of celebrating his presence in our lives. Regardless of whether he understands our bizarre human rituals or not, we love performing them for him.

He may not love the candles, but he always appreciates the cake! His epic mlem in this picture says it all.

Of course, there are other human rituals that thoroughly fail to impress him, as you may be able to tell from his face in this picture!

I find it hard to express in words just how much I love this hilarious, goofy, endlessly dramatic pooch.

So there you have it: an introduction to my sweet doggo! 😊 I would love to hear about other people's dog stories, or connect with fellow animal lovers who are owned by any type of animal at all. I once had a beautiful cat named Candy, and I still miss her every day.


I just looked at all the photos, worth it - dawwww.

He is a photogenic boy! 😊

Thanks for sharing your fur babies.. Adorable!

I 💗 this so much! Thanks for the shoutout. Buddy is beautiful and I can only imagine all the joy he brings into you and your family’s lives. I too had a pride and joy who passed away several years ago. Her name was Ginger, a Dachshund/Bassett mix, and she was the first pet I took full ownership and responsibility for. She too was completely incorrigable. She chewed EVERYTHING to the point she became the bane of my siblings existence lol. It got to the point where it was an unspoken rule in the house that anything you left on the floor or within doggie reach meant that you were ok with it getting chewed up and destroyed. But despite he quirks and typical doggie behavior I loved her to death and still miss her to this day. The excitement she expressed every time I came home was amazing. I thought she was gonna have a heart attack at times lol. I can still miss the way she would sit upright with her front paws up begging and whining at me to wake up in the morning to feed her and take her out. Raising a fur baby is no easy task but it’s more than worth it and I still have. dog shaped hole in my heart waiting to be filled

Ginger sounds so funny! I love the description of how she chewed absolutely everything in the house. She sounds a lot like Buddy. 😂 You never quite get over the loss of a beloved pet, sadly – you just learn to get by without them. I remember reading a quote once that basically said the only thing wrong with dogs is that they have such a short lifespan. That sums up my feelings perfectly!

It pays to be a lap dog. Three dogs (from First Class cabins!) survived the sinking of the Titanic – two Pomeranians and one Pekingese.