Opal Runs and Jumps All Over

in #dog6 years ago

Hi, Opal here again, after a long long period of dad hogging the steemit. I'll try to prod him to balance it out more because he is booo-ring. Although it was cool to see fellow doggies in Iceland. Anyway, I was pretty darn happy when they came back.

Very very excited!

And then in exactly 5 minutes life resumed its normal doggy course. But let's see... There are some recent highlights.


The family went out to look for a place to eat that I could also tag along. We wandered quite a bit and found a place that kind of worked.


Hey, can I get in please? It's scary out here!



Well I showed them later. I am a resourceful dog with great abilities. I planned my escape very carefully, and waited for just the right moment... when they were very distracted with something that smelled delicious. Human noodles.

And then I sprung. For those of you that don't know, I can jump fairly high. I landed deftly on the windowsill to the surprise and panic of everyone there. They started to freak out. What is it? Is there something wrong with me? Why won't they let me in? I was dragged back outside and told to sit quietly for a moment longer.

Okay I guess that really wasn't much of a highlight after all. But I'm proud of my jumping ability. They were so surprised they couldn't take it on camera. But don't you worry. It happened. One doesn't just make this stuff up.


Alright let's see... Here I am lounging on the couch. My eyes look fixated on something that's not shown. It's probably one of the balls I chase around the place and lose on purpose in some obscure corner. Then I bark at it until dad fetches it.


Other times I'm perfectly happy chilling on the floor. Sometimes underneath the couches as well. Depends on my mood. Here I posted for a pet contest.


Hmm maybe this one would have worked better, I think it's got nice fur detail.


I will take massages and belly rubs all day. Though sometimes Mom is a little mean and presses a bit too hard and makes me squeal slightly. Eek. Always suspicious of any hand belonging to Mom.

So anyway, life is quite alright. I also had an outdoor adventure of my own recently as well but I'll tell you about it next time. Just thought I'd say hi again!


Well Opal it has been a while since we heard from you so thanks for taking the time to update us on what has been going on in your life. I bet there were a couple people who needed a change of drawers after you leaped up into the window, I'm thinking the guy who put you out there for one.
Look forward to hearing more from you in the future, have that guy work on a program that will convert "bark to text" and you can have free run of this place.

Bark to text would be amazing. Maybe we'll see that in our lifetime.

Opal! I miss ya loads! You must have missed your mom and dad after Iceland. I do hope to get to see you here tons of times. ^^

I love the 2nd last pictures with his ears propped up like that. You have a good dog that is full of love ^_^

Yeah I felt that was a really nice picture!

Well, judging by the video, we know where Opal's "true" allegiances lie! Its ok thought, i'm the one that plays the most with my dog but he still prefers my grandma for some reason, maybe its because she feeds him most of the time lol

Yeah food is key. Treats especially.

Awwwwwwww I want an Opal for myself!!! Cuteness explosion!!!!! ♥♥♥♥

I'll try to be on more!

I am afraid of dogs but I like the way you told his story :)

well Aint Opal a cutie!!

So nice to have you join us in PYPT, Opal! I like your amazing energy and friendliness in the video and the pictures you shared! Come back and visit with us any time! 😊

What a cutie! I love happy dogs. :)

Opal! Your enthusiasm for your returning parents is priceless! Next time they go galavanting off to Iceland make sure they let you tag along.

I can't believe you jumped up on that window sill - you must have some Underdog in you! Thanks for keeping us in the puppy-loop!

Unless that's a bacon treat I don't think I'll be rescuing it ;)