🐕 What to Do If a Dog Attacks You? TOP 10 Things You Must Do If a Dog Attacks You!

in #dog9 months ago

TOP 10 Things You Must Do If a Dog Attacks You

What to do if a dog attacks you? Dog attacks are not rare, unfortunately. However, there are 10 things you must do if a dog attacks you to protect yourself and your loved ones.
What things?

TOP 10 things you must do if a dog attacks you:

  1. Don't ignore the signs
  2. Try verbal commands
  3. Attempt to withdraw
  4. Seek help
  5. Avoid loud noises
  6. A shield is welcome
  7. Avoid eye contact with the dog
  8. Avoid sudden fleeing
  9. Avoid panicked movements
  10. Stay calm

Wanna see more? The video guide provides you a quick view. For more check the article at:
Healthy Pet Systems

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