How to call your dog back and teach you dog recall training methods

in #dog2 years ago

Calling back

Many owners are afraid to let go of their dogs when they take them to the grassland or park for fear that they will not return. As long as the dog learns to recognise the owner's meaningful 'call' and learns how important it is, the next time the dog is walked, the dog can be let go and allowed to run and play, while the owner can relax and enjoy their time.

There are three stages of dog recall training, from being called back on the lead to being able to call back off the lead, which involves a lot of encouragement and timely warnings when the dog is inattentive and doesn't care. Sometimes the hardest part of training is the consistency and the owner's discretion. The quicker the owner can manage to reinforce the training with rewarding punishment, the quicker the dog will learn!

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Short Leash Recall Training

-Training Objective: To get the dog to understand the "come" command.

-Training equipment: toys or treats (pick your dog's favourite), leash

1. Take two or three steps back, keep a distance of 1 metre between you and your dog and call your dog back.

2. When you say the "come" command, see if the dog will look back at you.

3. If the dog looks back at you and walks to you, praise him and give him a substantial reward.

4. If your dog is indifferent to the command and doesn't care, tug on the leash to get your dog to look back at you.

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E Pet Tip: Dogs learn one thing from repeated training: if they come to the owner immediately after hearing the command, they will be rewarded. Conversely, inattentiveness will result in an instant warning. Using this method allows the dog to remember the command quickly. However, it is important that the dog is actually rewarded as soon as he returns to his owner, and encouraged as long as he looks at his owner and his face is always turned towards his owner. Unless he doesn't listen to his owner and doesn't look at him, he needs to be reminded with a p-chain.

Leashless recall training

-Training Objective: To bring the dog back when called after releasing him from the leash.

-Training apparatus: P-chain, toys, treats or something the dog likes, and a field where the dog can't run far if he wants to (insert commercial picture)

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1. In an open but restricted area, take the leash and collar off and let the dog run around uninhibited for a while to familiarise itself with the environment.

E Pet tip: When doing this training outdoors for the first time, try to choose a simple environment, as less external environmental factors will affect the dog and it will be easier for him to get into shape.

2. Hold a toy, snack or your dog's favourite item in one hand and your dog's p-chain in the other.

3、When the dog is wandering in a restricted area, call the dog "come". If the dog comes over, welcome him warmly or reward him with something he likes.

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4. If the dog ignores the call to come back, make a metallic sound with the p-chain in your hand and then gently toss it at him.

E Pet tip: Throwing the chain lightly will not hurt the dog, but it will certainly startle him. The dog will therefore associate "the owner will call him and he will be shocked if he doesn't come back". Plus, with the reward of coming back immediately, the dog will soon learn to come back when the owner calls him. Don't run at the dog and scold it for not coming back, as it may think the owner is trying to play with it and will actually run further and further away.

5. Repeat this training until the dog comes over every time he is called, then take him out into the open park to let him go!

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