Happy Valentines to All my Frens and to All the Doggos Waiting for Homes: A Pupper Love Story ๐๐ถ๐
Frens, it's been about a week since I did a lay of some knowledge on you. I've been out doing a camp with lady hooman, and doing a love on other doggos and nice hoomans. It seems like an excellent day to do a catch-up.
I hear a lot of people heckin' saying how much they hate Valentine's Day. I do a get of that, definitely. Sometimes it feels like this day is just a big excuse to do a buy of heart shaped chew toys and silly overpriced heart doggo biscuits. The pressure can be really high, frens! (I will, of course, do a take of the chew toys and biscuits you have. I don't want you to do a feel silly and like you did a waste of them.) However... I love to do a love. Why not do a seize of this day, frens?
Yes, that is me - the Very Handsome and Slightly Bashful Boy. Do a look at those kisses, frens. ๐That is what doing a love looks like. And sometimes, not all doggos - or hoomans - get love.
Can you do me a favour today, frens? Instead of doing a worry about all of the weird pink things and the cards and the chocolate (it will make you so sick, hoomans! WHY DO YOU DO AN EAT AND A GIFT OF POISON?!!!) can you please do a free hug to someone? I promise you, as a Very Good and Very Loving Boy, I do know how much a good hug can do an uplift to someone who thinks today heckin' stinks.
But Murphy, this is just a commercialized shill and people who participate are sheep! ๐ Also, I don't need a day to tell people I love them because I love them every day and doing something extra special is silly and insulting. Plus, your ears look especially dashing today, there in front of the fireplace.
Heck. I have a secret for you, fren: doing something special will not do a diminish of your normal. I bet you tell your doggos that you love them and do the best scritches and tell them how much you do an appreciate that they chose you. Having an extra day for doggos and hoomans to be a little extra lovey will never do a take away of the special kindness that you do a bring to the world. Promise. (I am a Very Good Boy, you can do a trust in me.) But you are right: you are not being obligated to spend money or tell someone you do a love of them just because society says you have to or you are not thoughtful. And you are also right: my ears are truly very wondrous.
I know it is hard to believe, but my sister and I have always been this cute...and even then, we lived in not good places, with not good people. And we did not get love. Just because someone seems like they do get everything, they can be very lonely or do a wish for some kindness.
I am a very proud pupper. I will do an admit of this. I am very open, and heckin' loving. I don't know if you can do a find of a more handsome or helpful doggo. But I did live in a barrel, on a chain, and no one wanted to do a get to know me. No one cared unless I did a run for them. When it comes down to it, all I do a want for is love. Now that I have it, my life is heckin' full. I can overflow and do a pass my love on to others. I do a little boop here or there, and I know it does a put of smiles on faces. There are so many doggos and animal frens doing the same look for love... and hoomans too. So instead of hating today, can you do a little love of someone else? Don't do a think of it as an obligation, or a silly holiday, or even an insult that you don't do enough loving on regular days. Just do a seize of today as an opportunity to have some fun and do a love and lift of someone else. You'll be on your way to being as loving as a doggo, and that is a Very Good Goal indeed.
Happy Valentines Day, frens, and big, loving boops to you.

I'm doing a help for places on Steemit taking care of doggos, cattos, and animal frens with mega upboops, and a sniffer snipst to find SBDs to send to help @TARC rescue!
I dunno...I just like seeing kisses on dogs. There's something right in the world when you can see that.
heck, fren, I do an agree, but does it have to do such an embarrass?!
@murphydog, we love you soooo much. :-) You are a true fren and a hero for all doggos. :-)
Murphy, you are so right. I grew up with Valentine's day not being about the bought stuff, but the small stuff. A homemade card, a little note, heart shaped cookies, some cupcakes... Something like that. We lose nothing by spreading a little extra love and making sure no one feels alone this day. It shouldn't all be romance but family and friendship also.
yes yes! Frens are the best thing you can have and it's always good to do a love where you can. I think it is even heckin' good for you physiologically! (I will have to do an empirical research)
Sending you lots of pets and hugs Murphy. Make sure to give your mom and sister lots of cuddles today @murphydog :)
So many kisses, love the photos.
heck, you got the hang of it, fren!
At the age of 4 weeks, most dogs have developed the majority of their vocalizations.
sniffs warily
I think you are a botto, fren... better not be doing a hide of any squirrels.
What silly pink stuff? We love all the pink.
I will also do a love of silly pink stuff if it happens to be edible, fren.