My Dog Can See Into Your Soul

in #dog7 years ago

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I want to share a little story about my dog Jax. He's a black Labrador Retriever and getting close to 8 years old already. I still remember the first day we got him.

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The plan was to crate train him and not have him sleep on the bed with us. That lasted about 2 days. He would be howling, whimpering, and crying all night. We were staying in a house with two other room mates so we couldn't keep him anywhere besides our room with us. So, after the second night of crying, we let him sleep up on the bed with us. I'm sort of glad we didn't crate train him in the end. He usually just goes and sleeps on his own now anyway, but he does like to sleep in the bed too and hog it from time to time.

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Jax is a super confident dog. He is an Alpha for sure. He doesn't take a whole lot of shit from other dogs. He's not overly aggressive, but he has no problem finishing a fight if one starts and he hasn't lost too many little scraps in his day. He's also full of energy. As long as you're throwing that ball or frisbee, he'll go and get it every time and bring it back for more.


I've noticed this happen a few times through his life but there is one incident in particulate that really sticks with me. I had him out to my Grandparents cottage one night when my brother was having a little party with a number of his friends there. We were down visiting so I was staying out at the cottage with them and was there for the party with Jax.

Everything seemed fine. Jax is really social and gets along with everyone and as long as you pet him, play with him, or feed him, he'll be your best friend. There were a number of people there and Jax was getting along with everyone. It was noisy and people were laughing and talking pretty loud with music going and it all didn't bother Jax.

Except for this one guy that showed up.

As soon as he arrived, Jax lost his shit. His fur stood up on his back, his tail stopped wagging, and his teeth came out. Jax turned from the friendly black lab to this ferocious, menacing ball of muscle that wanted to kill in a blink of an eye. I had to grab him and hold him back because he was actually going to attack. I had never seen him do that before to a person. Of course with other male dogs there have been fights but never with a person, especially for no reason.

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We tried letting this guy pet him while I held Jax's collar. We tried letting him give some treats, sniffing his hand, talking to him and trying to calm him. There was no use. There was something about this guy that Jax didn't like and there wasn't anything we could do about it. I ended up having to put the dog in the bedroom for the rest of the evening because he was being very unpredictable with what he was going to do.

Jax is also very obedient. He does have some impulse control issues because he's always so "Go Go Go" but he listens very well and can control himself for the most part.

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So that was just a weird incident. We didn't think much of it afterwards. The party ended and Jax was back to himself the next day with no issues. He was good around everyone else the entire time I've had him.

Except this one other time.

There was this other time, a few years later that we were back out at the cottage again. It just so happened that the same person came by one day. It wasn't the same kind of party situation where there was a lot of noise or anything. Just a few of my brothers friends had stopped by and me and Jax happened to be there.

Well, Jax lost it again at the same guy in the exact same way. The fur went up, teeth back, and the growling dog came out again and he was ready for a fight. I had to get ahold of Jax again and hold him back.

It's really amazes me that Jax can see something wrong with that guy. Nobody knew what it was either time. The guy wasn't being mean to the dog and seemed like an alright guy. Jax just saw right through him. Something that a person just cannot see, I guess.

So, that's my dog Jax. He can see deep into your soul and he knows if you're a good person or not. It's a good thing most people are good by his standards. I wouldn't want to mess with him if he wanted to fight and no one else was around. He's so fast and strong he'd do a good bit of damage on just about anyone.

Has anyone else ever experience anything like this before?

Has a dog not liked you for some reason or have you witnessed a dog not like someone no matter what they did?

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That does seem strange especially because it happened in more than one occasion and with the same person! I've heard that dogs have that particular sense that can sense a person's behavior or demeanor - perhaps the guy was nervous around your dog and in turn made the dog react the way it did.

Maybe he was nervous. He was definitely nervous after the dog was challenging him, that's for sure. It was pretty strange that it happened twice over such a long period of time though.

or maybe he's dog-meat eater and your dog could smell it. LOL is he asian? :P

He is a very anxious person!

He is really cute! I haven't had a similar experience with a dog, I wonder what is that puts Jax in attack mode with that guy. 😱

Nice.. Who is that guy? You know him..
Its strange incident..
We know animals can see many things we cant see like ghost type things..
May be jax experience anything others cant see with human eye

I didn't really know him except those two times I met him. He was my brothers friend and he seemed alright. Maybe he's a serial killer or something and Jax could pick up on that:)

N'ah. still hasn't killed anyone. Nice as pie.

That you know of...

Haha.. You consider him a serial killer.. If he read your story and comments what ll he feel.. Haha i can imagine his reaction

Haha. If he is a serial killer, it won't bother him... unless I just exposed him. If he's not, I'm sure he can take a joke. I think we joked about it at the time, actually.

You did both joke about it. You both talked about how he had a lab mix named April from when he was a kid until his early to mid-twenties who was his best friend as well!

Haha.. Ok then its good.. I found you on facebook.. Happy if you ll add me..

I have a friend that is at my house every day , and no matter what he does, she won't go near him, just barks and howls at him. I know he's a great guy, we've been friends for years, but there's something about him that she can't stand .....this is my dog PJ, loves everybody but my friend Howie . ...20988358_10155448265920446_2619436202011105828_o.jpg

Dogs are our confidents our best friends we have to give them love and care. Jax is a really cute dog nice post!

I believe dog's see things that we don't, or they think they see things (e.g., monsters under man-hole covers, under stairs etc.) but that was quite a reaction from Jax, who still is my favourite grand-dog (but he can't tell the others).

Thank you to visit my blog @stephen.king989 !

really....this dog is very nice....thank you for your post...i did follow you.

Endal was the first dog to ride on the London Eye (the characteristic ferris wheel in London, England), and was also the first known dog to successfully use a ATM machine.

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