Our Dogs - Merle has Ehrlichiosis

in #dogs6 years ago

For about a week now we have noticed one of our Catahoula/Great Pyrenees mixes, Merle, has lost a lot of weight. Towards the end of the week he became lethargic and Friday night I noticed he didn't eat anything. He started shivering and began showing some neurological symptoms.

It was already night time when this happened. We called the vet and explained what was going on. His symptoms didn't warrant an emergency visit and the bill that accompanies, so we made an appointment for first thing Monday morning. We spent the weekend keeping him warm, as he seemed and felt chilly, and offering food and drink as often as possible. He ate about a tablespoon of tuna on Saturday with some chicken vitamins (it was all I had). On Sunday he ate another tablespoon of chicken. He drank a little here and there, but never very much.


We had Merle's vet appointment this morning. They performed a blood test and a fecal swab. The blood test almost immediately came up postive for Ehrlichiosis. It is a tick-borne disease that attaches itself to white blood cells and can even effect their joints, bones, brain, and organs, causing lasting damage. He has some permanent liver damage and the neurological signs as well. (See the video with this.) Merle has lost a third of his body weight. Normally almost 75 pounds, he weighs 50. He is now on antibiotics for the next four weeks, and steroids. He has high calorie canned dog food to eat as well. We may have to force-feed him. It may be a week before we see any improvement. Good vibes, thoughts, and hopes are much appreciated.


oh no... that's horrible :(

I thought this post was going to be some joke about a dog feeling guilty... "Ehrlichiosis" sounded like something made up.

But oh my, how's he doing now? It's been a few days already I hope he's making progress.

Sending lots of love, hope he'll recover well.

Those damn ticks... ugh... which reminds me, I need to mow some lawn myself, these nasty bloodsuckers feel much too at home in the knee-high meadows that I've got here.

Thanks so much for your concern @fraenk. He's doing a little better. He still isn't eating but he has drank water. Shoving his giant antibiotics down his throat has been "interesting." And to think I have to do it twice a day for a month.
Get out there and mow! Maybe even treat the yard if you don't have animals that might eat the little buggers. It's going to be a bad year for ticks!

Good thoughts and prayers coming from @mother2chicks. So sorry your boy is not feeling well. The ticks are a damned menace. The chickens have really done a good job of lowering the tick population. I am so glad you got some food and water in him. 🐓🐓

Thank you, @mother2chicks. Much appreciated. A friend of mine just lost her cat today to an incurable tick-borne disease. Our chickens have really lowered ours too. We hadn't even gotten flea and tick medication yet this year for anyone. If we had maybe this wouldn't have happened.
He ate a bite of steak and a hotdog with his medication hidden in it tonight. It's small victories right now.

Chickens are great agains ticks... and Guineafowl are the ultimate weapon. A small flock of Guineafowl will keep the surrounding area 99.9% tick-free...

They also make very annoying sounds and it might be a while before you get used to their morning celebration, but they sleep in a tree which means the fox also doesn't get to them too easily.

We have been nursing a baby chick to add to the fold. You are correct baby steps. It takes a while to get over the tick bites. Have a good night. 🐓🐓

Aww, I'm sorry to hear that @hethur240. Is he predicted to make a full recovery, or does this disease have permanent effects? I've never heard of it before and I'm hoping Merle will be ok!

Unfortunately it seems the effects can be permanent. Especially the bone and joint issues. So far so good with his neurological symptoms. We will take him back after the antibiotics are gone and see what to do from there if he still seems lame. Thank you so much, @mtnmeadowmomma!

How is he doing today? Any improvement?

Sadly, he passed away this morning at 8:20am. I will probably post about it when I gather myself. Thank you for checking on us. It is really appreciated.

Poor thing. You might want to research Colloidal Silver to solve the problem and Diatomatious Earth to mitigate some of the damage...

I forgot all about colloidal silver and its healing properties! Thank you! I will also look into diatomatious earth for him.

Sorry to hear about this! Sick family members (yes, they are) are always a worry. Glad that he is taken good care of. Don't forget to take care of you during his healing, it is so easy just to see what others need and forget about yourself.

Thank you, @lynxki. Pets are definitely members of our families. I'm trying not to worry myself sick over him. He ate a little more tonight so that takes a bit off my mind.

sorry to hear this. wishing you all the best and a fast recovery.

Thanks very much, @sumatranate. I appreciate it.

Oh, poor Merle. Hoping for a fast recovery. Keep us posted.

Thank you, @anise. He ate a bite of steak and a hotdog with his medicine hidden in it tonight. That's the most he has eaten in days. Small victories right now.

So sorry!! Hang in there Merle!!

Thank you very much, @luanne. Your good vibes are appreciated.