Male dog names should be rough and tough

in #dogsofsteemit6 years ago

My neighbour’s daughter was absolutely hell bound on naming her pet dog which was yet to arrive, a “doodle”. Well, when he arrived he was hardly a doodle, he was neither an off-white pup with long droopy ear, nor was he adorably silly in conducting himself. Each time we saw it we would say he is so not a Doodle but an Eddy. Confident and big, hardly ever sloppy, a perfect Eddy arrived.

Sounds like a number of us just heaved a sigh at the thought of how many naming blunders we come across in our everyday lives.

The point is how do we avoid one? How do we capture the essence in a single word? How do we go about all of it?

Photo by Yohan Cho on Unsplash

How To Call Your Dog

Naming is indeed an art. It may require countless hours of procrastination to find the right one. Some things that are absolute essentials while naming your furry four legged are:

Dog Names By Personality

Keep names which define the pet. Names based on their traits can be a helpful way of choosing names for them. For this observe your pet over a period of time before you choose the right name for him.

Short Dog Names Are Recommended

Keep it short. Too long a name often gets difficult to call out. And what is the point anyway he will appear right before you the minute you finish calling out the first bit of the delightfully long, gorgeous name that you decided to give him. Besides, the others would probably never make an effort to call out the whole of it.

Keep names which are comprehensible to others. Often, if others fail to understand the name it may lead to a situation where your pet is referred to by too many different variants of the original name. This may lead to confusion for the pup and may end up annoying you too.

Keep names that sound endearing and avoid choosing harsh words which may have an unpleasant ring to it. Like if your pup is slightly temperamental avoid naming it anger or fiery, choose names like huff-puff instead.

Also, commonly used words like toffee may lead your Mr. Furry jump up at the slightest mention of it and then disappoint him when he realizes it was not him you were referring to. Would break his heart! May lead him to become less alert as his name would be something your little daughter begs you for, practically the whole day.

Finally, naming your furry sweetheart something that derives from his mamma or pa’s or grandpa’s name (if you know of them that is) can be a wonderful way of keeping the family name alive.

If naming seems too much of a task in the beginning buy yourself a book on pet names or browse the internet for innovative ways of naming your darling from sites like

It defines who we are and what we would like to be known as. Naming is an art that may need countless hours of procrastination. It is essential we find the right one.