Dolphins are marine mammals with very high intelligence.

in #dolphin6 years ago


Good day buddy, this time we will show an example of a short text report about Dolphins. We are sure we are all familiar with this one animal either through television or seeing it directly. We also certainly know that Dolphins are animals that are known for their intelligence and instinct to be a lifesaver for people almost drowned in the ocean. Because it is regarded as a good animal and merciful, dolphin to date has become one of the prima donna animals for children. I was one of Dolphins' fans.

Dolphins are marine mammals with very high intelligence. There are more than 40 species of dolphins are scattered in this world. Most of them live in the oceans, but some of them are like Chinese river dolphins living in rivers. They eat fish and squid as their main food but some of them also eat other marine mammals.

The maximum size of each species is different. Dolphin dolphins (smallest dolphins) can grow up to 1.7 m in size with a maximum weight of 50 kg, while the largest dolphins, killer whales, can reach a maximum size of 9.5 m with a maximum weight of 10 tons. They have a body that is able to reduce friction and two fins located on the bottom and bottom right of their bodies. These fins are called "pectoral fins". At the top of his body, there is a wide fin called "dorsal fin". A dolphin breathes through a hole located at the top of their head. This hole is referred to as "blowhole". They have a long snout called "rostrum". The tail of a dolphin consists of several parts, they are: peduncle (tail rod), flukes (the flat part of their tail divided into two), and the median notch (the center of the two fluke).

Regarded for decades as a Surry Hills institution synonymous with good times, The Dolphin Hotel now features three distinct spaces, a Dining Room, Wine Room and a Public Bar with an open-air terrace.

A simple philosophy behind the project, authored by George Livissianis, [Apollo, Cho Cho San, Billy Kwong], is a pop-up approach of re-use and re-adaptive design principles. If the elements have integrity they are preserved, if they can be stripped back to raw they are stripped and if they aren’t suitable, they’re wrapped in a Christo inspired installation process. The spaces are punctuated with artistic highlights by friend and ‘artist in residence’, Beni and sculptor / installation artist, Tracey Deep.

Executive Chef Monty Koludrovic is focused on quality, provenance-driven modern Italo- Australian food. He leads a team that includes Daniel Medcalf [Icebergs Dining Room and Bar] as Head Chef of the Dining Room and Wine Room Head Chef Matthew Marco Bugeja.

James Hird [2015 Sommelier of the Year] has joined Terzini’s team as the wine director at The Dolphin Hotel, Icebergs Dining Room and Bar and Da Orazio. Hird is sourcing producer focused wine and beers for the three spaces at The Dolphin Hotel as well as leading the agenda in the Wine Room.

Lenny Opai [Icebergs Dining Room and Bar/ Bayswater Brasserie] delivers the spirit /cocktail direction, drinks that explore everything from built classics, unique pre-batched cocktails and quality local spirits.

Terzini references his time at the Melbourne Wine Room and specifically its extensive wine list. Terzini: “Along with a handful of other pubs, Melbourne Wine Room was really instrumental in changing the food and beverage culture at the time. We hope The Dolphin Hotel will be the same.”

Dolphins are marine mammals that are known to be very friendly. In fact he often helps people who happen to be drowned in the ocean. Dolphins also have an ultrasonic sound that supposedly can be used for the therapy of people who have autism syndrome. Most importantly, dolphins can also be trained to perform great attractions in the ocean.

Perhaps you've all seen dolphins at the venue, or at the zoo and the water park. But have you ever watched the dolphins in the open? Seeing them swimming and jumping on the edge of a passing ship. No need far, Indonesia has many spots that you can use to see the dolphins.

The waters of Misool, Raja Ampat - Papua

The waters at Misool, Raja Ampat are known to be very beautiful. Clear sea combined with an unspoiled island makes this location like a piece of paradise in the earth of Papua. Those of you who love the diving experience and down the underwater beauty will love the Misool that is unrivaled.

The waters at Misool are very rich in marine life. In this region has many species of small sharks and also whales. For those of you who love the friendly dolphins, this area has 3 species of dolphins. Usually they will come out and follow the passing tourist boats.

Well, that's what my buddy examples of a brief text report about dolphins we can present. Upon the flaws and errors in the text we display this time, we apologize and please be understood. Thanks a lot for his visit,


Good morning buddy, if you currently need a sample English text report short, you are in the right place. Because in this post we will show a brief text report about Whale. You must know Pope dong yes, well then you will be able to understand the contents of the reading that we show below easily. But for those who have never known what the Whale is like, do not worry, because in a report text there is also a glimpse of the description that is being discussed, in the example this time means a simple description of the Whale.

Text reading this time included into 50 Examples of Short Text Reports About Animals and Meaning that we make with the aim to help buddy visitors who are trying to understand what exactly a report text it. Because if we just read the understanding alone, maybe we will still be confused when it comes to recognizing a report text, even more so when this type of text turns out to have similarities with the type of descriptive text. Reading and observing the various examples that exist in our opinion will be very helpful in accelerating our understanding of a type of text. Now, please read through the example of a brief text report on Whales below.


Hearing the name "Whale", perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is "Big" or "Giant" yes. Yes that's true, whale is a fish with a very large body size. But not only that lho interesting things about Whales that we can learn. Curious to know what are the general facts about Whales that we have collected from several sources on the internet? Immediately aja deh see below:

Whales are the largest marine mammals. Along with dolphins and porpoises, they belong to the order of Cetacea. There are two suborder of whales, they are: Baleen Whales (Mysticeti) and Toothed Whales (Odontoceti). Its main meals vary among species of whales, some of which are: small plankton, fish, squid and other marine mammals.

Each species of whale has a different maximum body size. The smallest whale, Dwarf Sperm Whale, can grow up to 2.6 m in size and weighs 135 kg. The largest whale, the Blue Whale, can grow to a size of 29.9 m and has a body weight of 210 tons. Several species of whales show different sizes between females and males. This phenomenon is called sexual dimorphism.

Their bodies mostly resemble a dolphin. They have a streamlined body shape with two paddle-shaped fins on the lower front of his body and a tail that also has the same piece as a dolphin's tail. Some of them also have a dorsal fin on top of his body. Each of them has a blowhole on their head. They have a layer of fat under the skin called a "blubber" that serves as an energy storage and insulation that keeps their bodies warm.

That is an example of a short text report on Whales and their meanings that we can present. If there are any shortcomings and errors in the information we have submitted we apologize, and we hope this article is useful to all readers. Thank you very much for the time that buddy have spare this time, let's continue with reading

Frog is a four-legged, four-legged meatless amphibian. They are known for their amazing ability to jump. There are more than 4,700 species of frogs in the world with the highest concentrations in tropical rainforests. They can live in a variety of habitats such as fresh water, dry soil, underground burrows and above trees.

They begin their life in the form of embryos that are surrounded by materials such as agar. This group of eggs is usually called "frogspawn". The process of fertilization takes place outside the body of an adult frog, usually it occurs on the surface of the water. After that, these eggs will hatch and baby frogs out from there, they are called with tadpoles. They have oval bodies and a flat tail with no legs at all. The next stage, the tadpole will go through a metamorphosis stage to transform into an adult frog. During this time, the feet will grow and their tail will shrink until they have no tail anymore.

Their back legs are longer than their front legs. It helps them to jump. They can fold and stretch it when they need it. They have toes netted on each foot that helps them in swimming. There are no nails on their feet. Their eyes are large and it lies above their skulls. Most of them have smooth skin.