How to Register Domains with Additional Requirements through Trustee Services

in #domain3 years ago

When you need to register a domain with additional requirements such as Macau which restrict registering their domains only to people who live in their country or can provide proof of it, you usually have two options - Register a Trademark or use a Trustee service.


To use as an example - Macau, specifically, needs you to have a company or registered trademark in Macau and a legal representative in their country in order for you to register the .MO ccTLD.

This is where a Trustee service (such as the one Nominus provides, for example) comes into play. To explain it as simply as possible, trustee services help you with registering these domains by practically giving you access to the requirements (company/trademark and legal representative, in Macau’s case) for a price. These companies/representatives are partnered with Trustee services and most likely take a cut from the overall price you have to pay for a Trustee service.

One thing to note is that these are usually not cheap, but if you really NEED a domain from a specific country and you don’t fulfill their requirements for registering a domain, then you either wait around two years (sometimes it can be shorter, other times it can be even longer) for your trademark to go through, or you use a Trustee service and get your domain name almost instantly.