Are You "Proud" To Be An 'UhAmurricun?'

in #donaldmarshall6 years ago (edited)

Where at least you know you're free...


Congratulations Americans, we've been duped into one of the biggest con games in history... covert financial servitude to the British crown. Yes, I know, I can see you all rolling your eyes now, but the truth of the matter is that the United States has always and still currently belongs to the monarchy.

You're probably saying, " hey, but we won the Revolutionary War!"
That makes no difference, there was never an unconditional surrender by King George the Third and if you go read the Treaty of Paris 1783, you'll see that the king never relinquished title to the colonies. All the war did was allow the aristocracy to gain a special status in law known as "the People" ( with a capital P). If you pay very close attention to the grammar used in the founding documents, you will notice that many specific words are capitalized. This is known as a capitonym and it changes the meaning of the word to denote something very specific.
In essence, those documents were written in a type of literary "code" not intended to be understood by the layman with a government-funded, public education.

This is the subterfuge game that lawyers play. They are master manipulators when it comes to words, how they're spelled, and how they're defined.
What this did was to create a permanent and perpetual aristocracy and slave class in this country. The old saying " the rich get richer, and poor just keep getting poorer" has never been more clear to me than after researching and scrutinizing their work.

It's important to understand that law is an occult science and practitioners of it keep the secrets shrouded in secrecy. They are the modern-day priest class and one can trace their origins all the way back to the days of Babylonia and ancient Sumer. There is a great book called "The Babylonian Woe", written by David Astle that details the history of the money changers and how they have ruled behind the powers of every throne. The book is hard to find and a little pricey but if you can get your hands on it, I highly recommend it. Gordon Comstock of the Ministry of Truth did a narration of it a few years back that is still available to listen to on YouTube.

America, and the individual 50 states more specifically, has/have never held allodial title to this land, the king would have had to have sold us the land in order for America to own it outright. It would have never happened anyway because by doing so, the king would have violated his own Law of Mortmain.

Mortmain, meaning " dead hand " in French, was a law passed by Edward I during the Crusades. It prevented landholders without an issue (heir) from bequeathing their estate to the church upon their death. Under the feudal tenure system, the king had lost many incomes from the lands that had been left to the church. The church, being a perpetual corporation, had been rapidly growing its power and holdings during that time and the King was attempting to curtail that growth. It caused all land to revert back to the crown if the manor "lord" did not have a lawful heir.

The quote below is from the court case Marshall vs Loveless out of the North Carolina Supreme Court...

"But this State had no title to the territory prior to the title of the King of Great Britain and his subjects, nor did it ever claim as lord paramount to them. This State was not the original grantor to them, nor did they ever hold by any kind of tenure under the State, or owe it any allegiance or other duties to which an escheat is annexed. How then can it be said that the lands in this case naturally result back by a kind of reversion to this State, to a source from whence it never issued, and from tenants who never held under it?"
MARSHALL v. LOVELESS, 1 N.C. 412 (1801), 2 S.A. 70

So, the United States of America never had lawful title to the land where the country geographically sits. You have never actually purchased your home or the land that your home sits on, you have merely rented the land as a tenant of the king.

Have you ever heard of probate court? Probate is that forever misunderstood Administration Court that administrates the King's property and reclaims estates that are left without a lawful heir.
I have a book entitled "Uniform Probate Code" that is chocked full of fancy sounding legalese, all of which it's practically unintelligible to a layman. I'm no Esquire or bar attorner, but I have made a serious undertaking in unraveling the Hocus-Pocus mystery religion of these lawyer-scribe-priests and I can only stand on the shoulders of giants when it comes to the research work of men such as my friend Vyzygoth. If it were not for his many radio shows, I would still be mired down in the muck of false patriotism...

The following is the definition of 'Escheat' taken from Webster's 1828 dictionary.


When Cornwallis capitulated to Washington at Yorktown in 1781, he only surrendered the battle and not the war. The king had figured out that it was way too costly to bring the colonies back under his control by physical force, and from that point on the war was continued economically through financial subversion and covert espionage.

I bet most of you did not know that British troops remain on American soil for at least 15 years after open hostilities ended in 1781. It wasn't until Jay's Treaty of 1796 that all British troops left the country! Article 2 of Jay's Treaty is solely dedicated to the removal of British troops from American soil.

Even after the Revolutionary War had concluded, the king left behind his troops to protect his investment. In a future post, I hope to lay out the connections that America has to the Vatican, but suffice it to say, the Vatican is behind the ownership of America via the British crown. In a treaty of 1213, King John ceded over all his possessions, lands, and titles to the Pope. This was two years before the Magna Carta of 1215 and therefore, makes the Magna Carta a worthless piece of paper in terms of its legality and authenticity.

King John had been forced by the barons to sign it at swordpoint, so under international law, the Pope declared it invalid. A man cannot be forced to sign a contract or document under duress and have it still be a legally binding instrument. Which is exactly what the Nobles did at Runnymede. I cannot comprehend why historians and patriots revere the Magna Carta so much. The Constitution is no different!
Everyone absolutely luvvvvvs the Constitution and has sworn oaths to protect and serve it until their dying breath. The entirety of police, military, and many, many of the hundreds of created positions of "authority" that exist in Governdom all take this binding oath, raising their right hand and swearing on a Holy Bible!
I'm not a religious man by any means, but doesn't Jesus Christ tell us not to do this???
So let your yea be a yea and your nay be a nay...

It's the perfect prison matrix model to enslave the whole world...
Now, we have our youth marching off to war, swearing their lives on a book they've never read- defending a piece of paper that they've never read- and a holy piece of cloth that they have no idea what the hidden meaning behind it is...
All they know is the indoctrination that they've had since kindergarten that Americans are the good guys- red, white, & blue- stars and stripes forever kinda thing...

"...the flag still stands for freedom, and they can't take that away..."

The proverbial and timeless retort to the ugly truth-

"Well, if you don't like it here, you can just go and live somewhere else. You ungrateful p.o.s-
Do you know how many men and women have died serving this country? Do you know how many have given the ultimate sacrifice and paid the ultimate price? Why don't you go live in Somalia or the middle east somewhere..."

Yes, because it's so much better elsewhere on the earth...Our mighty military war machine has made it safe for servitude and democracy worldwide. The perpetual fascist regime IS the spear thrust of the NWO.

Question: Why does America pay so much homage to Rome and fascism?

Answer: Because America IS the new Rome.
This is the seal of the U.S. Senate, complete with phyrigian cap of Mithras and crossed fasci. Mithras was a Roman pagan god and the mystery religion at the time of Christ

This video by Jaime over at explains the occult meaning behind Washington's being called 'District of Columbia' and is a must watch! Click below

National Guard Bureau insignia

Mercury dime reverse- it's even on the coinage we use, hidden in plain sight


Ole Honest Abe's shrine

Statue of Washington at Federal Hall

Another statue of George Washington

State seal of Colorado, check out the all seeing eye and pyramid above the fasces

Knights of Columbus secret society

Get off your knees America, it's time to take the world in a new direction!


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Sovereignty and the Fascia
Our Purpose

Awesome post! Loved almost every word lol(I think you know which part I disagree with) nevertheless, I think we have more than enough in common here. You knowledge of history and eye for detail is fantastic. I look forward to reading more of your work

It's ok to disagree my friend, I never judge anyone for holding a certain opinion on any subject matter. The construct we live in is one built on duality so there will always be two sides to the coin.

I like your style mate, shame more folk aen't like this.

And I was looking for something to watch tonight, so looks like you have just sorted that problem out too. Thanks

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