200 STEEMs For 20 Smile Orphaned and Poor families

in #donatesteem6 years ago (edited)


200 STEEMs For 20 Orphaned and Poor families

Hello @tarekadam, How are you today? And We're sure you're in a good mood. Success and blessing to you from your charity activities. May you always be in the protection of Allah is the Greatest.

Four days ago we read a post from @tarekadam he will do charity work. through Contest 500 Steem for the people who need it most. 500 Steem is a donation from @terekadam and this is part of Zakat Payment. through this contest, Kokamspycare wants to be a trust community of @tarekadam to channel zakat to people in need.

Introducing Kokamspycare :

The community of @kokamspycare is a Steemit Community involved in a humanitarian social program, one of Kokamspycare's goals is to help people in need such as Poor (Dhuafa), Orphans, Children drop out, and other Social Solidarity activities. kokamspycare was founded on March 25, 2018, by some steemian people in Aceh-Indonesia. Like @murizalpangeran, @helmibireuen, @alokzoom and some other steemian people. open the community introductory link kokamspycare to see more. HERE
In this month of Ramadan, Kokamspycare has also conducted a social solidarity activity, which is channeling aid for victims of home fires, Open Link to see it, HERE

Program activities : Helping Poor Family orphans.

We Kokamspycare want to be part of your trust to distribute zakat in the form of Blockchain Steem, to 10 orphan families and 10 Poor Families in @kokamspycare Work Area in 210 Villages.

Ahead of Ied Fitr 1439 Hijriah. Many sad stories of Orphans in Aceh, especially Peusangan Subdistrict. Especially the orphans living below the poverty line. When the day of victory arrives (Ied Fitri), they can only shed tears to see their friends wearing good clothes, playing happily and eating good food (Meat).

Their families live below the poverty line, they are unable to meet their basic needs. let alone buy clothes for their children. sometimes in the holy month of Ramadan to break their fast they only eat white rice without a side dish.

Through the contest organized by our brother @tarekadam, and very noble is zakat. we @kokamspycare will channel your zakat to the right people to receive zakat in Islam. that is, for the benefit of orphans of needy needy families.
Given the many orphans and poor families we will take by comparison, and will take 10 orphans and 10 poor families in the subdistrict. We do this by looking at the data of poor orphans in the sub-district office and seeing truth data to their homes directly.

Privilege sponsors the Orphans

The existence of poor orphans deserves our attention and attention.
The problem of orphans is a very big issue and everyone is responsible to 'guard' them, the Prophet Muhammad. said, "I and the guardian of the orphan will be in an adjacent Paradise such as the close of the middle finger and the forefinger."

Prophet Muhammad SAW. hinted that the middle finger is higher than the index finger, its meaning is prophetic, its position. higher than the others, but the 'keepers' of orphans and guardians of their property will be close to him.

Subhan Allah!!! How noble the Charity is and how much greatness will be gained for those who care about orphans.

Usage plan Steem :

We kokamspycare will distribute the Zakat to the families of orphans and poor families. in the form of Food, and Financial Support.


The purpose of the program is to lighten the poor families of the poor orphans ahead of Ied Fitr 1439 Hijriah. And increase the ukhuwah Islamiah through zakat and alms, and make them smile when Ied Fitr arrives.

Program Implementation Time :

To make them smile and happy to welcome the holiday Ied Fitr. We will distribute the zakat 5 days before Ied Fitr, or on May 9, 2018.
Each beneficiary Family will be photographed using this banner


Steem's distribution plan :

200: 5% = 190 Steem will be used to distribute zakat @tarekadam to orphans and poor families, who are in great need. while 10 Steems or 5% of the 200 Steems, due to the right of Amil Zakat and will be used for community operations in the distribution of zakat.

Relief will be handed over directly by members of kokamsycare, to Homes Orphans and poor families. And it will be documented and accountability report of the use of 200 STEEM, will be made transparent to the public.

Responsible Program.

Is our General Coordinator

Assisted by members:
@helmibireuen, @rahmads, @syehwan, @abdys, @jauharialz, @rijal123, @rajaaceh, @suheri91, @tuminaz, @hendrimirza, @syehlah, @alokzoom, @Moersal, @helmidvallen and other volunteers.
Thank you and this is our plea, hopefully get your serious attention.

Hail Humanity

Note : The recipient images are not displayed, therefore it can disappoint them if #donatesteem is not won.

We Are Here


Success is always for #kokamspy hopefully you can get this opportunity in the charity activity #zakat from @tarekadam hopefully all proposals for real relief activities to orphans in the Peusangan subdistrict, Bireuen district, Aceh province of Indonesia can be done so that so Steem and steemit can give happiness to those orphans, thanks for you @tarekadam for this contest activity, healthy always and you get abundant sustenance ... Aminn ...

Sukses selalu untuk #kokamspy semoga bisa mendapatkan pengalaman ini dalam kegiatan kontes amal #zakat dari @tarekadam semoga semua proposal untuk kegiatan bantuan nyata untuk para anak-anak yatim di kecamatan kecamatan Peusangan, Kabupaten Bireuen, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia ini bisa terlaksana, nyatalah Steem dan steemit bisa memberikan kebahagiaan bagi Anda para anak Yatim tersebut, terima kasih untuk Anda @tarekadam atas kegiatan acara ini, sehat dan selalu mendapatkan rezeki yang melimpah ... Amin ...

May success always accompany our community.
and hopefully our mission this time become a blessing and get appreciation from curator indonesia

Selamat @kokamspycare postingan Anda terpilih sebagai salah satu konten kreatif terbaik hari ini versi KubuKutuBuku. Selanjutnya akun resmi @kubukutubuku dan anggota-anggota prioritasnya akan segera mengapresiasi postingan ini.

This community is so fabulous! Expanding Steems and Steemit on earth isn't easy I guess, but the idea of charity is brilliant. Nice job!

Amazing planning from @kokamspycare systematic, reliable and well-planned. Mission to make the orphans smile when idul fitri arrives is a noble deed. I hope this really happened, please my brother @tarekadam to give a chance to @kokamspycare manage your zakat. Thank you

A sincere and sincere community Working for the social, hopefully getting good results.

Incredible spirit. Hopefully with this kind of charity can ease the burden of our brother. Amin..

Alhamdulillah atas kepercayaan yang diberikan, semoga tetap istiqamah

Success for the community kokamspycare, hopefully his proposal was received by masters @tarekadam to help orphans that exist in

Luar biasa, sukses terus buat Kokamspy. Semoga apa yang di lakukan mendapatkan berkah.