
Auction Summary

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Auction Information

Start: 1.000 SBD

Auction ended at 2018-06-22 05:19:06 GMT

Winning bid of 1.000 SBD by @player03

You can advertise your auction while supporting our service by following @steem.test and voting for our Daily Report.

Auction Finished

Start: 1.000 SBD

Auction ended at 2018-06-22 05:19:06 GMT

Winning bid of 1.000 SBD by @player03


Auction Information

Start: 1.000 SBD

Auction ended at 2018-06-22 05:19:06 GMT

Winning bid of 1.000 SBD by @player03

You can advertise your auction while supporting our service by following @steem.test and voting for our Daily Report.

Bid rejected. It's not allowed to bid on own lots.

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @player03's bid of 1.000 SBD

@player03's bid of 1.000 SBD has been overbid by @player02's bid of 1.500 SBD

Bid was reactivated because @player02 has revoked bid of 1.500 SBD! Highest bid is now @player03's bid of 1.000 SBD

The #dontusethis Auction was ended by the seller.
The winning bidder is @player03 with an amount of 1.000 SBD - Congratulations!

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @player02's bid of 1.500 SBD

Bid was revoked by @player02

End of #dontusethis Auction confirmed