
And if not, he will be reanimated as Bidbottozombiephant.

Get yourself on the @ocdb whitelist and I'll help with some extra insurance. I tried already, but you haven't been whitelisted yet. You certainly deserve to be.

Posted using Partiko Android

I've no idea how to get on a whitelist :)

They have to curate one of your blogs.
I dropped one of your blogs into their discord hoping they would take the bait.

Well, thanks! I never was an expert in promoting myself, so when people help me I am more than grateful. Let's see. I think things are changing, suddenly the one sided power play has turned into a real fight. I could see that @celestal even came on the trending page after being revenge-downvoted.

I have some people who do not post here anymore but has small stacks. I'll write them with daily downvote orders.