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RE: Downvoted? The Bidbottophant explains why.
Yes, that is fucked up! The amount of abuse is endless. This is the Bidbottophant, and I have mostly concentrated on downvoting bidbotted posts (including short comments with up to 17$ rewards from bidbots), but I also downvote selfupvote-comments like these.
You could maybe go to the SFR discord channel to report this or find out how to do it. Here's an invite:
People there discuss how best to use the downvotes (it is generally not big stakeholders but middleclass accounts like mine.)
I did do a call out to SFR on upvoting his comments. I like countering the issues on his site but the lacks attitude towards the rewards pool by posting multiple times a day with some appearing to be of little substance combined with his habit of upvoting his comments appears deliberate and selfish towards the rewards pool. I think if he modified his behavior in those regards his contributions would fall much better within the scope of the platforms intent when it came to the rewards. Thanks for taking the time to give it a look.
I just checked it out. When you mention SFR in a comment underneath the violator you should add this string:
comment self-vote violation.
Then it will be noted and you will be given some kind of token as a thank you for reporting it. I have not yet found out how to use the token, but hey ho :=)