RE: Why you may be getting downvoted
For the most part he self upvoted his stuff, at least until the hardfolk came along and made that useless for the amount of sp he held. I find it totally ironic that people who cheated to gain are now calling out other cheaters. I've read some of your stuff, in comparison to the stuff he's been writing the last couple days shockingly is of much more quality and value to stuff you write. I guess you can say he was a diamond in the rough, in case you don't know what that means: A person or thing with exceptional qualities or characteristics that cannot be seen from the surface....then ask yourselves why that may have been, how did this platform fail to bring such a talent into the fold? Maybe by leading by the wrong examples? That was shocking even to me as a follower of his for quite some time. Like I said above maybe the answer isn't in condemning an individual as finally recognizing their worth and offering to follow and upvote if they stop using bidbots and continue to write so cohesively. It's pretty evident here that he can hold his own, engages constructively, has empathy to others feelings and possesses a great sense of humor. You should be grabbing a hold of this one.
Nice comment. I might try and send a bot but yeah. #poorFrank lol I think bots helped me earn Steem and delegations cost me some Steem but it's nice having delegations.
This has never been about the quality of his writing. We do need good creators and I have always admitted that I am just posting for fun.
You say he engages constructively, but he has been insulting and threatening some of the people who have done most for Steem whilst he has been mostly just out for his own gain. Playing the bots for profit is not good for Steem.
He has accused me of driving users away, which shows he does not know me at all. I am not responding to him any more.
Quite frankly some of those people deserve it. A lot of those individuals cheated their way to the top, it's plain and simply as the nose on your face. It doesn't matter that they didn't get there using bidbots, upvoting one's self has always been against the rules of the platform and so has using alt accounts. The platform basically has been one that serviced self centered interest for greed no matter what avenue they took to get there. When you have a system that is primarily like that it doesn't leave room for a lot of growth for the new accounts. Believe me if I thought what he was getting for his post was outrageous I wouldn't have chose to follow him...but for the most part most his stuff was rewards under a buck to a high of maybe once in awhile using a bot six, seven dollars...which I'll admit depending upon what he presented may have been excessive for that amount even, but like I said that wasn't the norm for him. His inclination to move towards more bidbot use was a direct result of the hardfolk and the impact it had on small sp holders. Without support from the community who are all engulfed on the larger accounts I really don't know what you would otherwise expected people like him to do to survive on here. He's really a compassionate individual with a great sense of humor who surprisingly turn out to be quite intellectual and knowledgeable on the markets. Maybe if you extend an olive branch you could move forward in a more positive manner as I think if given some recognition he'd be a benefit to the platform.
I'm sure he is smart, but his attitude is very different to mine. I do not want to drive him away. He ought to realise that the changes are more about getting real engagement and the mood has turned against the bots. It is up to him to decide how he wants to proceed.
Here let me fix that for you...
He ought to realize the changes are about forming tribes where moderators monitor the post they'd never read otherwise to make an appearance the mood has turned against bots and towards circle jerk upvoting. It'll be up to him now to decide being forced feed the stuff he will read then proceed in the ritual of upvoting. After all he helped pay for it with a hefty hit on his rewards.