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RE: Dragon Art Contest- Voting Week!!!! Pick your winner- 15 SBD prize for them!
If you forgot to tag your posts appropriately, it is fine. I do not mind as it is simply for your benefit for others to find your work more easily.
If you would like me to replace your entry collection picture you can make your own. Post it somewhere here so I don't miss it and you can see some examples below :)
Edit: thank you for all the votes, I cannot reply to all so I will upvote :)
Edit 2: You can enter until payout of this post. The rules are here:
You have to resteem this post as original is too old :)
Edit 3: Thank you for so many votes everyone!!! I hope to post the results and reward winners latest by wednesday evening!
I am late -but can I still enter?

I am unsure which to choose from
I like the red one more but people like the fantasy background of the ice dragon.
Anyways let me know if I still have time to enter one of these.
You can definitely enter, even with both but you have to send me 1 imagine with both, or decide on one :)
(However, the first one is quite similar to Haku but with wings.)
For 1st place category you must share some process pictures, but for voting and random you don't :) Gl! Let me know what you decide
Actually I am into wood burning and I was wanting to do a dragon on wood for this contest but with all the contests happening (and I had just completed my own hosted contest too) I haven't had a lot of time.
I think I will go for red - I would have to forfit any 1st place prize on these as that red dragon was done in 2005 before I had access to my own cellphone/camera - so I don't have progress shots on that. I have been keeping an eye on this contest though and plan on doing new dragons soon and will meet the requirements with process shots next. Will you be holding this contest again soon?
I will add the red one right now then :)
Sorry no contests for next 2 months because of work.
Thank you everyone for participating! The contest is over :D