
You fucking retards are failing MISERABLY at this...

Hey retard they are catching on lol

Nice upvotes.
Too much of my SP is delegated. Mainly tests to see how fast my RC drains.

Also Bernie, I am a little concerned for your well-being. You have so many profiles and they all kind of have their own morals and personalities. Some of them are okay with self voting. Others are not. Some are pro-steem, some are not. That can't be healthy for you.

Yeah he has multiple personality disorder. The person behind that acct. is a danger to society. Sort of like this guy..

The author behind @abusereports is the @ngc / @berniesanders group of accounts, claims to own the top twenty witnesses.
He is also boasts that he holds thousands of accounts.
He uses these accounts for:
Voting witnesses.
Flagging content which is not supported by main stream media
Flagging random accounts (usually small accounts) as a cover for his more earnest censorship work.
He takes great delight in tormenting the random small accounts and those who want to make the world a better place. Plus its a great cover for his real work of censorship and creating a dystopian future for the platform and the real world.

These abuses are all conducted with the FULL SUPPORT of the other top 20 Witness @themarkymark

The markymark seems like a nice guy on the surface but he is corrupt to the core and cares not one jot about bullshitting you, right to your face. Just another politician.

These individuals have become like a gangrenous limb which needs to be amputated in order to save the body. This platform being the body.

Its time to grow up and take responsibility for our own environments people.

The latest HF is designed for the sole purpose of enriching this group of accounts.
He has thousands of votes to give witnesses because he has thousands of accounts.
PS he is also the largest SELF VOTER here. sad isnt it?

If you want to get off auto vote you must make many many comments and start to drain his accounts