Making of Frosty the Demonic Snowman

in #drawing7 years ago (edited)

This one came quite unexpected :)

So this is the final piece:

In some online group somewhere, someone posted this magic sigil, asking for help to charge it:

I like to play with images so I figured let's see where this goes.

First I inverted the colors in IrfanView, then started adding some detail in FireAlpaca software:

I was seeing a shovel initially. Then I noticed, hey wait a minute, that's half a snowman :)

I posted this image and chatted a bit with the girl that initially posted the sigil. Pretty good vibes.

Also there's a "Frosty the Snowman" Song, that I feel goes well here:

Then I noticed I was getting annoyed with the girl's endless delays, multi tasking, she just wasn't mentally there. For someone that actually made a sigil to summon some magical results, to do that, I figured was really not good manners.

I figured, rather than plead with her or say something nasty, why not express my sincere emotions through Frosty, the magical snowman, let them express themselves as they may? So I equipped Frosty to deal with the situation :)

Finally, I added the 3rd eye ray, for identifying weaknesses in the enemies armor, some more details here and there, and ended up with this. Merry Christmas everyone :)

Express don't suppress, let art make you free of stress <3 :)